General Discussion

General DiscussionAM unkillable in late game

AM unkillable in late game in General Discussion

    You don't have to be the hero who uses Veil on the AM.

    I mean dont get me wrong, I agree this is like totally retarded. Ive done it in 3k mmr but it will surely like never happen in high mmr ever so its irrelevant.

    You can also have a dropped refresher shard next to you and pick it up later if you are like hiding behind trees on the highground.

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      this seems like a reasonable build to me. and doesn't do shit to me. i didn't even activate barrier. i could replace linkens with butterfly and still be fine. since you generally want butterfly for a bootless antimage. though they ruined flutter so maybe bootless antimage isn't as good anymore.

      lion items:

      EVEN WITH REFRESHER, antimage might get away. I didn't even use barrier. he will only have like 200 health ro something, but I have a heart, so who cares. I'm full HP and you just blew a double full retard combo on him.

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        You shouldn't be trying to kill AM with magic damage in the first place.


          I guess if you itemise specifically to not get killed by lion i guess that works yeah. A far more likely scenario is that enemy core has a silver edge and there is a lion on the enemy team, so AM is forced to build more durability than his standart items if he wants to survive.


            I mean, why wouldn't you? And I didn't "specifically" itemize versus lion. The only special item there is pipe. Skadi maybe is a bit of a "special" item, I would more often get butterfly. But even with butterfly I have enough HP to more than enough survive the combo. Heart will regen me.

            Why wouldn't I spend 3000 gold to counter your monkey 25000 gold build?

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              Okay you are right

              Riguma Borusu

                the best way to win vs am lategame as lion is to offer him hats to throw the game


                  just go void, ult him, and right click him to death

                  Dire Wolf

                    How about some pure dmg? OD? Aghs lina?


                      Wait. Pipe is a standard AM item? What?

                      But I do agree that AM seems OP this patch. If you build agility, and a stat item here or there for Strgh, + your lvl 25 spell shield talent, you can survive almost anything.


                        Hes easily kited by Od Blod mepo timber .pure magics rapes am they ignore armor and magic res .also now hex is so strong vs am early to late game