General Discussion

General DiscussionDomi on sven

Domi on sven in General Discussion

    Do some people still use hod on sven over mom?


      To stack ancient


        The item's stat nerfs seriously hurt its viability on Sven. It gives +2 to all stats and 10 attack speed. That's it. MoM gives 110 attack speed in addition to movement speed for faster farming/not getting kited in teamfights. MoM can be disassembled into Satanic (And in the super-late game, butterfly to replace boots). Dominator also slows down Sven's teamfighting, as you are buying what basically amounts to a 2k gold farming item instead of a damage item. The negatives of this item are compounded because the meta is about fighting/getting online ASAP. And good teammates will stack ancients for you anyways.

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          I hope not...


            Do I have a misconception on Sven itemization? If so, when should dominator be bought? I assume if it should be bought at all, it should be bought in long games, but I can't see a situation where buying SnY instead would be less efficient.

            O SIDE MUFFLER

              I guess if the supports stack very well like in 15 mins and both ancients are fully stacked, then domi is a trash item and sny would be the first mid game item over sng because of the stacks that was made. I just thought that the hp regen on the domi has a big impact on the team fight plus its dominate ability for big camp creeps for 2 disable and for stacking. But as you said the meta was about team fights, maybe there is a little chance that domi can be an early game item?


                I suppose so, but I think its more important to hit your powerspike of blink+bkb than to help out in fights before 20 mins. SnY / Echo Sabre speeds that up, while helm provides at best a pretty hard to land stun to help out your team.