General Discussion

General Discussion3v3 match

3v3 match in General Discussion
Dil Dhadakane DO

    guys gimme your best 3 heroes in 3v3 matches and why? thanks for cooperation. =)


      Ohh boi the memories, we used to bet over 3v3 games back in college vs other players from other schools

      Back in 6.7ish we used to run a lot of beastmaster off, sd mid and safelane luna and abused the illusions trick so often that I often wonder why it never caught on until like last year or so in Dota 2.

      If you are playing this patch, I'd just pick 3 good 1v1 laners since making rotations early would be just a waste. then roll off the advantage taking objectives

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      Dire Wolf

        Necro, veno, viper duh. Three op heroes, all three win lanes.


          ^why spoonfeed smh