General Discussion

General DiscussionNew player journey!

New player journey! in General Discussion

    Hey guys!
    I'm somewhat having my first year and 5 months since I played dota2, and if I remember my first account is calibrated at 1.2k (which is pretty normal for a guy who didn't play dota1 or any moba). I played that account like 300-400 games and decided to make another account.

    My second account is this calibrated at 2.9k solo - 2.6k party in which is pretty decent and I thought I improve a lot but I was calibrated way too high so going back down and stay at my really skill level which is low 2k.

    My question is how many years and games does an AVERAGE Dota player make just to be a decent player enough to play in a highskill-very highskill bracket? Seems like a long reach for me but somehow in near future.


      i really don't know, i guess 2-3 years

      tbh the majority of this playerbase are idiots. So it can take you anywhere up to an infinite amount of time.

      or you could be beyond average, and you would be 4-5k in your first 1-2 years


        Took me 1 year to jump from 1.8k solo MMR to 3.5/3.6k solo MMR
        Idk about you tho...I've been playing Dota 1 for a couple of years before deciding to play Dota 2

        tip: Don't tilt


          Depends how dedicated you are actually, how much you try to improve, its really hard to learn from 2k players, i mostly learn by playing against better oponents.
          I mostly gained my mmr when I adjust to my team aka not always contesting carry or mid, and i try to play heros which i know i can play at decent lvl :C

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            I didn't have the chance to play dota1 as I like to play rpg mmo games way back then, but my College friends plays Dota2, so I tried it last year and I like it more.

            You are right, but when I get to the lobby with my mates with way higher mmr than I do. I always get destroyed normally even trying my best and it is fraustrating and it's not fun but on the other side I can learn a thing or two.