General Discussion

General DiscussionVoid OP???

Void OP??? in General Discussion

    I played void with rush midas then mael plus diffu then manta then bkb then mjol

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Hmm Midas does help the bash

      Riguma Borusu

        are you ok


          yes im ok :D

          Complicated person

            Yes it is but its not needed to make fast MoM.

            chicken spook,,,,



                Stop getting Midas.


                  I played void with rush midas


                  Pump Cultist

                    omg this thread kills me

                    chicken spook,,,,



                        void midas LUL


                          Maybe Void Midas if a lost lane but please Noooooooo!


                            In my opinion void actually sucks, no pro team picks him bevause of being good carry, they do it only for utility and combos


                              Its time to stop!


                                i wanna says "void midas lul" but i remember i lost against this shit lul
                                void midas 20 min mjolnir and good chrono


                                  on offlane void i would buy midas probably

                                  Story Time

                                    on void midas after 20 min is not the best purchase


                                      Yah,really usefull.Usefull to getting report by me


                                        I always offlane void so i think its good that i rush midas but of course if i win the lane i will buy yasha then madness then diffu then manta

                                        Can't Buy Culture

                                          you got 7 games on void, so im sure you have pretty much 0 experience with him. furthermore u play in 3k bracket, and normal skill.
                                          Void is super good, if u have follow up initiation and is suitable in the safelane or off-lane. some pro players have even tried him in the midland, but without any success.


                                            Yah,really usefull.Usefull to getting report by me

                                            Ahahahahah. I got 4 likes in that game, because I didn't let the enemies finish game too early by good chronos on 3-4 heroes.
                                            AM was also with midas.


                                              Void is super good, if u have follow up initiation

                                              there's this certain point that void reaches where he can basically team-wipe inside one chronosphere by himself with the right items


                                                I think Void is really situational. It's great if enemy heroes are squishy & there is not much burst dmg. Chrono nowadays is a shit spell tbh because of how long the cd is & current meta relies on low cds. If the hero can't-do much without chrono, he shouldn't be picked. I also think that MoM is too good currently to not get it. It accelerates his farm & you can pretty much permabash people.