General Discussion

General DiscussionTeach me more about armlet toggling

Teach me more about armlet toggling in General Discussion

    How to win with ur amrlet during clash


      when you are low HP and think you wont receive damage, you deactivate and instantly activate armlet.

      the active gives you STR stats which in turn gives you HP.


        Try not to use it in a time where many attacks and spells are flying around. It may be tempting to try to get that cheeky toggle, but more often than not you will die if you try. Instead, try to get to a point where it's relatively safe and the enemy won't immediately kill you. You run the hell away and toggle off & on once, then keep it on until you take damage again, or if you think you've gotten to safety. Make sure you know you won't die if you try to toggle again, then actually toggle again.

        This takes some practice and experience to learn properly, so chances are you won't get it right away.

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          Turn it off.
          Then turn it on before you die.

          Riguma Borusu

            And if you die then you did it wrong.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Godlike awareness and reflex

              chicken spook,,,,

                Play more :)


                  Arteezy toogle it during battle
                  Then again it's Arteezy

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Everyone toggles it during battle. But not everyone survives.

                    Still though ever since necro and veno became really popular, armlet has kind of been a shit item tbh.

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                      The delay is at least your ping. So lower ping makes it easier.


                        You can armlet toggle without breaking channeling like teleport so you can try to toggle while teleporting out

                        A-10 Warthog

                          Its all about instinct bro, do what u feel u need to do. Don't do what u think u need to do...

                          A-10 Warthog

                            when u feel u need to toggle on the armlet even if u are on a dps effect, just do it... If u die, then try again till u survive.... remember, JUST DO IT!

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                              Watch out for that ranged creep


                                Keep in mind Armlet is shit against dmg dealt during time, especially Aparition ult. Against aparition dont make armlet.

                                Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

                                  It's pretty eZ and fun on husk since u take no dmg and life steal and regen so hard. Try to learn it on him by doing an early rosh just by toggling. After a few tries u will get it.

                                  Story Time

                                    is Urn of shadows then a counter to armlet-togggling?

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      In a way, yes. Then again, every DoT can be considered a counter. Damage doesn't matter, what matters is the frequency of the ticks.


                                        ^ so stupid

                                        why wouldnt he buy???

                                        pros buy armlet vs aa veno all those shits even vs necro ....

                                        his fault if he get hit by aa ulti 10 times in row and lose fight they are normal skill noobs


                                          ^ Nice Meepo games

                                          AA usually comes in a combo with Void or some other aoe disables. Try to dodge the Chrono with your alchemist or necro that rarely ever make bkb or if, then quite late.

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                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            u definetly dont skip armlet on armlet heroes just because ure against aa


                                              When someone writes "definetly" in dota where everything is situational - makes my eyes hurt. There are much more factors to consider whether you can dodge aa ult or not.


                                              3 armlet heros on the top 10 "Best against" list while Huskar being in the first place for a reason. Huskar, Dk, Alchemist - there is no CK for a reason also. He has a shitton of hp and doesnt rely on hp regen like those 3 mentioned above. So generally you can go armlet CK agaisnt DoT most of the times.

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                ck armlet is must cause of ilus no mater what enmie is

                                                ck without armlet make his ilusions uselsss