General Discussion

General DiscussionCurrent state of juggernaut

Current state of juggernaut in General Discussion

    I feel Juggernaut is one of my best heros but he feels weak right now compared to the past so I recently started avoided picking him . Should I pick anyways since one of my better heros or find some other new hero to fit jugger spot .

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Like the only time ever where jug is not a top carry and more situational

      And I think he is still great, just not the BEST

      what about troll? He seems like a good pick to me


        Never tried troll much becuase that hero disgusted me in the sniper troll patch . Ill need a few unranked matches to try him .

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          jugg sucks this patch

          Pink anus

            As long as the 1.4 BAT and free BKB are still there, Jug will never be weak.

            The problem is his build. People really need to reconsider Manta and Diffusal.

            chicken spook,,,,

              ^No. Jugg is weak rn, just because healing ward is good in some game doesn't mean he's a good hero.
              Manta diffu is basically the least dogshit build you can go with him.


                Against venocancer

                Story Time

                  rip jugger, he won the international though


                    jugger still good as a mid/ safelaner. tho you will still need to partner him with another carry to be sure.
                    he just suffers nowadays because sven,tb, in carry matchups
                    and necro, void in offlane


                      They should let Juggernaut deal physical damage while using Blade Fury and rework the damage dealt across various levels.


                        Tried out the troll suggestion and I just don't like his play style . Tried out tb and seemed to semi like it although I want to try ck next , I haven't played him in ages . Currently my 3 main carry heros I am rotating are spec am and jugg but trying to phase out jugg and get a different 3rd hero . What hero would be good to do with those two , I guess I could always throw in a wraith king just cuz that hero is very simple to play .

                        Fee Too Pee

                          Can we go back to classic phase sangyas basher build


                            It's not jugg who's weak but it's his build. I think manta diffusal takes so long to come online. Personally, he should go as a phase-madness-sny hero. He has high armor and he needs to fight early.


                              Jugg is very reliant on his q and ultimate , I don't think he can be a madness hero unless using it for just farming or chasing down people


                                Madness jugg is ok, but only rlly as a farming item
                                U can get it fast and ramp up ur farm

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  I doubt you want to get silenced as jugg


                                    Mask of Madness is not too bad on Jugg. I played against a clinkz and he silenced me and tried killing me. I activated MOM and killed him just from the attack speed and a little of the lifesteal. Also, when you use your ult and active MOM you do so much more damage.


                                      You still need 400 attackspeed to be able to hit with each slash if i remember right

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        MoM has replaced midas on most real carries.

                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                          Ded hero

                                          meteor hammer

                                            if ur not careful veno will snipe ur ward with his wards

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              isnt that cannibalism

                                              or wait


                                              Pink anus

                                                Diffusal is still good but Manta. I feel like people buy it because pros buy it. To take advantage of low BAT, you need high attack speed. And to get online early, you need cheap attack speed. This points to madness.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  The issue with jug is he's actually squishy and has no flash farm. He has a very good passive increase to dmg with crit but needs dmg items to make the most of it. So you must build stats cus he is squishy but this means he farms too slow cus he has no flash farm and then he doesn't do enough dps. If you go farm, ie mjollnir or battlefury, then he lacks stats, dies in every fight where ward isn't op. If you go for single target dmg like deso, butter, orchid, he dies and can't farm. So you end up with a middling build like manta + diffusal + bkb where you can tank some dmg and do decent dps.

                                                  Compare to sven, he flash farms like a mofo and has incredible built in armor and hp.
                                                  Troll has more armor, armor talent, more hp, makes enemies miss, farms better natively with aoe axes plus fervor.
                                                  PA can't flash farm either but has more armor and dodge.
                                                  WK, way tankier.

                                                  So you can see why he's a clear 2nd tier carry vs 1st tier right now. However he's still good, it's just kind of like carrying with void or slark, hero can be really good situationally, just don't expect to go faceroll every game.

                                                  I think another reason jug is hard to play is cus his build is so flexible, you can't just do the exact same every game. Troll I can pretty much build the same things every game, maybe just swap one or two items. Same with sven. And it'll be like 90% optimal. Slark too is like this. Jug's not. Makes it harder and more variance in performance.

                                                  ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                                                    Jugg is my 4 most played hero. Lately he feels weak after the laNing pñstage but still can manage to win lane easily and start applying pressure. I've been having good performances with him but not so good WR.


                                                      Personally I prefer maelstrom MoM over manta diffusal, either that or I meme it and go the battle fury shadow blade aghs build

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        To take advantage of low BAT, you need high attack speed

                                                        big retard

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          jugs annoying with invoker