General Discussion

General DiscussionVHS smurf by playing support

VHS smurf by playing support in General Discussion

    Is it possible to get to VHS/HS bracket at a new account by just playing support? I can get to VHS/HS bracket easily by playing core role but I really want to move in position 4/5 to my new account and I want to be in the VHS/HS bracket in my 3rd game like I did in my 2nd smurf. If yes, how should I be playing?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      I think not
      I was spamming stun bot morph and although I win a lot of games and had high KDA(lots of assist)
      I remain in Normal Skill :/
      My GPM was around 200-300


        You was smurfing using support too?

        Smirth Johnstone

          I just hit 5k supporting - have a 67% rubick win rate in ranked.


            damn. if i tried playing rubick i would have 30%wr

            meteor hammer

              yes it is

              O SIDE MUFFLER

                If I play in a new account and play support in first 10 games and lets say I played well to those games without having damage at enemies and towers like cores do and just having wards good kda and team fight, I can get to VHS bracket?


                  what kind of bullshit is this, of course you can get to VHS+ with a support.

                  i literally got to 5k the first time with support.


                    What about if you want to calibrate high, isn't it better to play core every game? Because if you get KD/GPM/XPM/ you get put in 4.5k+

                    What if you play support though? You're not gonna hit creeps and you won't get high KD either and probably will die alot wouldn't that make you calibrate way lower?


                      no, because supports get calibrated by different things

                      aka support items bought/placed/dewarded/smokes/healing/mana/assists etc.


                        Never knew that, it does make it fair for support players because then if they play good they can calibrate high aswell.


                          i remember when healing was overused to the point that 1k players would pick oracle and just spam heal for 20 minutes, regardless of what if they won or not that healing would've guaranteed them near max calibration(4999)


                            I remember calibration cap wasn't capped at 4999 and people actually spammed Oracle and would get 5.5k+.


                              nop, first it was unlimited, then got capped at 5k and people started abusing zeus and oracle

                              then calibration algorithm got changed.


                                Yeah I wish it wasn't capped even valve understands 4000-4999 is cancer tier so they capped it there on purpose LUL

                                If they would remove the cap and bring old calibration back instead of this 3.5k I definitely would make a new smurf and play only heroes in safe lane that I know well so I could have a 5k+ smurf while my main is 4.6k LUL.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  See , real vhs starts at 6k mmr, because mmr calibration back in the old days was abusable

                                  O SIDE MUFFLER

                                    Thanks for the response guys. Would love to spam dazzle the next smurf LUL


                                      Just dont afk in lane, go pull, stack and roam to gank


                                        backup TP , smoke gank , combo stun , double stun , execute kill for carry , warding , deward , dust , item build , map awareness , and GO FOCKING TRASHTALK TO EVERYONE and u will gain VHS game :))


                                          My friend says if u want vhs by playing supp make enemy gpm below 250 and your gpm around 500

                                          meteor hammer

                                            ur friends inaccurate almost certainly