General Discussion

General DiscussionAverage MMR hasn't improved though i played a lots of normal match.

Average MMR hasn't improved though i played a lots of normal match. in General Discussion
Wang Chunyu

    This is my real account and played my first TBD match with zeus and i won the game where i did nothing much(unfortunately i lost the match details)here i was queued upwith players of avg mmr 750.After realising the importance of TBD games, i then started playing a lot of unranked matches to improve myself as a player learning mechanics,skill management,combos, drafting and counter picking,tried different heroes and .I usually play unranked matches with my friends so that we can communicate exchange thoughts.I really feel i am way better player than whom i was i came upto a point where i finally decided to calibrate my mmr.

    game 2 :
    i got queued with players of avg mmr 400.
    i had a good time in this game and i have high KDA i expected i would be queued with players of higher average mmr in next game.

    game 3 :
    i got queued with players of avg mmr 250.
    i did bad in this game and i do feel i could have done better.

    game 4 :
    i got queued with players of avg mmr 270.
    Again here i felt i have done well getting most of cs,while invoker in this game had no idea how to use his spells and combo them.

    game 5 :
    i got queued with players of avg mmr 230
    we won this game somehow where we didnt have proper communication.

    I would like to know why is my avg mmr being oscillating high or low,is my hidden mmr that low?.how can i get an avg mmr 2k or more.what am i doing wrong?.what more should i do to make my remaining 5 TBD games be max calibrated.Please share your suggestions.
    Thank you in advance.


      TA god?


        you improved what exactly?

        all i see here is bitching about teammates, i see no mechanical skill increase

        game 2: you played against a bunch of idiots, and somehow with a 19/3 score you only have 600 gpm and 3.8k bld

        game 3: you have 273 gpm 367 bld in a 48 minute match, i can get 400-500 on a position 5 support who literally never farms even a bit in a 5k match.

        game 4: 439 gpm, 700 bld

        game 5: 427 gpm, 5.2k bld

        like what were you doing these games?

        Since you aren't pushing, you aren't farming, you aren't ganking,

        you spent literally all your time afk and running around in circles, the only match you got fed by idiots you had 600 gpm and 180 lh in 50 minutes.

        i can get 180 lh in 15 minutes, what did you do for the other 36 minutes eqvivalent time?

        like how do you not see how bad you are, these scores burn my eyes, you bitch so much about your teammates but if i got you in my team i'd cry.

        for someone who said he learned how to draft, counter pick and skill manage and mechanics.

        i can conclude that your skills/mecanics are awful by just looking at those pathetic scores in an mmr bracket i can get 700+ gpm with 1 hand. And i'm not even over exaggerating, i once did a challenge for a 1k player where i'd boost him with only 1 hand, it was hilariously easy. And you picked awful heroes in those games, who did you learn to draft from? another 1k?

        ''hurr durr oh we have 3 carries, better pick another one hurr durr"

        - "i learned how to draft in 1k level unranked 2k17" logic

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          because you're underperforming


            Why do you even bother treating people like this seriously

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              cus i got bored of writing my guide so i came back to write something here, ironically.


                Exactly its not your teammates who are responsible if you loose its because of you, in the 2nd game your enemies were absolute idiots everyone of your teammates had a great time, knowing things and doing it are two different things, you just read and watch a bunch of guides but never do the stuff, how many time do you switch treads ? you know you have to but you still don't do it on permanent basis, there are alot of things like this! try to improve by playing CORRECTLY do the right things analyze the game spot your mistakes and try not to repeat them in the next game


                  Prince Vegeta..

                  I feel you deserve much higher mmr. Your teammates were just horrible. I have a 4k free account and I can trade it for your 230 mmr one. :) For free.

                  Wang Chunyu

                    I can really understand what you are trying to say and i respect you.I really admire my team mates when they do really well in match when we are losing.

                    "like how do you not see how bad you are, these scores burn my eyes, you bitch so much about your teammates but if i got you in my team i'd cry."

                    Well!,I usually play in SEA and there were many cases i got queued up people with people who where fighting for mid lane and i took a step supporting that match and i was flamed saying i am a bad support though i didnt take a single cs,made sure i warded every corner.For your info i get supports who dont even mind buying courier and make stuffs like battlefurry, can u farm as AM or other hard carries if you supports like this who steal all last hits,and who dont even know stacking camps and ancients.Still i dont flame them.even when all 5 men are dead players dont take opportunities pushing towers.Your skill bracket is so high where you play together as a team and make sure you pick supports first and then carries.But in my case its completely different.I play with people who first pick PA or sniper who call mid and then blame the rest as noobs.Again here dont get me wrong thinking i am blaming team mates, i am just sharing my experiences.

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                      You have to learn to farm in these situations, <3k people are just autoattacking just outlast hit them it is actually so easy, do you even know how to control the creeps ?

                      Waiting To Win

                        go jungle lc or gitgud at mid

                        Wang Chunyu

                          @3k scrub

                          Did you mean creep agro?

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            Then you shouldn't be complaining guess you are not efficient enough, and don't play with friends of your mmr your wont achieve everything try playing with or 1v1 with atleast 4k+ players


                              Yeah and many other things try watching the purge coaching day9 series, watch one video each week and do practice that whole week and see your replays and try to find the mistakes.

                              Yun Che

                                cookie can you guide me how can i improve my games please analyze my matches and tell me how i can improve pls

                                Wang Chunyu

                                  @3k scrub

                                  "Then you shouldn't be complaining guess you are not efficient enough, and don't play with friends of your mmr your wont achieve everything try playing with or 1v1 with atleast 4k+ players"
                                  these things happen when i solo queue,but its far better when i play with my friends.

                                  "Yeah and many other things try watching the purge coaching day9 series, watch one video each week and do practice that whole week and see your replays and try to find the mistakes."
                                  Thank you so much.Ill surely try it out :) .


                                    Yeah but playing with friends of the same skill wont have any affect on you, try laning with a 5-6k see how they'll last hit and deny you every creep :D and how they will punish you on your mistakes

                                    Wang Chunyu

                                      @3k scrub

                                      I will try these things out :) .

                                      with these things in my mind can i expect my rest of the calibration better?

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        i don't think so,i think the most you can get to is 1.5k, don't worry just calibrate whatever then just play rank and try to improve