General Discussion

General DiscussionTIPS PLS

TIPS PLS in General Discussion
inza #HowlGG

    ANY TIPS SO I CAN MAKE IT TO 4k? I get losing streak after making it to 3.5k. im currently in 3.2 now trying to cilmb again


      have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


        Stop trying to be miracle


          Git gud


            If you truly belong in a higher bracket, you'll get there with time. 55-60% win rate and 3-4 games played/day will get you there pretty soon.

            If you belong in 3K (or less) and want to force your way to 4K, you'll have to spam the crap out of meta in addition to improving your game as you go along.

            Some of these heroes that give you a statistical edge can be found here:


            Just to point a few out:

            a. Spiritbreaker (ultimate noob friendly hero)
            b. Underlord (if offlaning is your thing. Know when to stack and jungle if lane is too hard)
            c. Silencer (strong pos 5)
            d. Viper (strong mid solo, except against Razor)
            e. Zeus (just a good hero in general because he scales really well as a game progresses without ever getting obsolete)
            f. Necrophos (has a built in Meka, Ghost Sceptre, Radiance, and dagon 5. What else do you need?)