General Discussion

General DiscussionSK for climbing mmr

SK for climbing mmr in General Discussion

    So, how do you guys feel about climbing mmr with sk? (Sand King)

    Is it shitty?
    Is it good?
    Should I change game for making silly propositions?
    Am I too old for this game?
    Should I marry?
    Why is my life so weird?

    last game was abandoned cuz electric company shut down the power from 12.00 to 2.00 am... (I was actually enjoying that game)

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      -spamming a hero is always good
      -sk is pretty good
      -why change game when you already invested 3000+ hours into it
      -age doesnt matter, if you enjoy the game, why stop
      -cuz you play dota


        Wait for cuki


          SK is terrible, you'll never get to 5.7k with sk


            Actually What I am aiming at is 4k flat :)

            What a shame tho..

            Wanted to play WR but they told me she's terrible
            Wanted to play SK but you guys are tellin me he is terrible

            I tried Bara but apart the fact that I had some extremely bad luck with ppl feeding couriers, I couldnt manage to have a decent impact.

            Any other suggestions with maybe some heroes? I was trying to diversify my play "style" (If i had any) but stopping the support role at this rating (2k solo).

            Gotta say, nobody buys wards or rarely courier here, made me shocked..

            I tried Riki, wasent able to farm or do anythin useful, not sure he is suited for me
            Tried kunkka, fed badly
            Tried Underlord, he seemed strong, but I wasent sure how to actually contribute, i played offlane

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              Sk is good dude cuki's memeing :/
              He was cancer now he's just decent


                Spam a hero that you're having fun while playing it



                  Tried rubick, didnt end up really well


                    cooki is kidding, he actually reached 5.7 with sk.

                    one good thing with spamming sk is, you can play offlane or if someone insists ong playing offlane you can roam, like the beautiful girl zai


                      OH! so Sk is actually GOOD?

                      Ok that's a great relief!

                      anyone has some suggestions or something that I should be paying attention to?


                        @OP as a player who climbed from 3.0 to 4.0 by playing purely pos 5 I advice the following heroes:

                        top tier: (these are my favorite supports, absolute beasts, they need close to no gold to be effective and have a giant impact throughout the game if played correctly)

                        good tier:
                        -cm (u just max aura and win the game)
                        -spirit breaker (I wasnt playing it by myself but I can assure u that picking this hero is free mmr right now)
                        -dazzle (only if u managed to ban axe)
                        -pugna (I first-picked it and it worked super well for me idk maybe I was just lucky)

                        I know Im just a 4k scrub but dont hesitate to check out my replays at least with silencer/phoenix cos here u will see how u need to play with 4ks to win by supports, not in 7k where u have decent cores

                        P.S. I recently meet a guy in solo Q who spammed SK and went from 4.5 to 3.8 or smth
                        Anyway, SK is pos 4 and ppl won't let u pos 4 in 3-4k games. If u pick a hero which has at least 1 star in supporting, ppl will force u to pos 5

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                          Thanks for your imput Space-, really appreciate it.

                          I tried dazzle, everyone told me that even without axe involved, its still not as impactful or good to pick. I tought he was, he is also one of my favourite heroes to play but seems like a bad idea..

                          Phoenix I cant seem to play well, silencer I end up feeding, not sure if I need some more practice with the hero, havent picked him in a while honestly.

                          as for the rest I should actually give it a shot, especially SB once again and maybe pugna (which I dont really like but its worth to try).

                          I also noticed that I have a hard time using melee range heroes, I guess after so many support games where i feel squishy, I tend to be "scared" or postion myself badly in melee range and end up dieing.


                          It is true what you mentioned about the 1 star support position, ppl try to force you into a supporting role no matter what you pick, and threat to report you if you dont.

                          It is also very stressful to notice that if I dont pick a supporting role, almost nobody does, or if someone does, its usually without wards/courier. In some of my games the courier has been upgraded after 20 minutes of play or more...

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                            so what i play pos 5 support every game even when i play brew offlane and i win most games.

                            its better to buy the wards yourself and place them where they are useful, rather then having wards in complete useless places.
                            your lion support is probably too dumb to place wards smart, but he can press a button to activate mek. so its more costefficient if you just buy some wards dusts smokes every game, no matter your position.

                            jakiro and pheonix are absolute cancers, try them out. especially JAKIRO


                              I guess that makes sense, I just feel like I am deprived of useful farm and items on some heroes as well as levels if i dont farm properly and switch to a support role with, for example, a carry.

                              Still, I get your point, I may be willing to be more versatile, maybe that is what I lack as a vision.

                              Potato Marshal

                                Jakiro's really solid if you know how to build him and land his abilities. Unless you're using Eul's on someone, you're better waiting for someone else on your team to initiate and stack your disables with theirs.

                                Support Silencer I would only recommend if the offlaner is someone you counter like Timber, BB, Phoenix, or Weaver.

                                SK is an all-around strong hero, hard to kill, good initiation, good disable, good damage, good survivability, item-independent etc.

                                I would not recommend Dazzle, or really any support with below 53% winrate.

                                I personally recommend Spirit Breaker, I already climbed from 4.2 to 4.8k MMR in under 3 weeks so far with him.


                                  you can climb with any hero if you know how to play it and you wont just climb by playing dota over night, you have to watch replays, try to get better and then you will climb slowly, if ur being lazy about it, don't expect much.


                                    I personally recommend Spirit Breaker, I already climbed from 4.2 to 4.8k MMR in under 3 weeks so far with him.

                                    ye that's the way if u r only interested in high numbers
                                    there re people in NA who spammed sb to 7k straight afaik


                                      Aiming for the stars are we now?


                                        right, the stars, or at least be able to look at at the sky :P

                                        Anyway, I'll proceed to mix SK, SB and maybe Silencer.

                                        I'll check some replays, meanwhile, any effective build you guys may want to suggest?


                                          this is how u climb emamar I'm 2k mmr rn after not playing for so long

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            Man, u are totally wrong. Altough spamming is a good idea when u reach 4k u will drop because ur other heroes wont be as good as ur sk. Think about it? U should be able to play carry mid offlane and support to get a high mmr and to understand and enjoy dota. Tell me what will happen after 100 sk matches ? U will feel tired. So go try qop, ss , sven, troll , life, necro and all other stuff. Thats how u will climb healthy.


                                              SK is sick
                                              i recall rab8 solo carrying countless games with that shit


                                                Other than pros there's not much 7k+ player who can actually play on that level with all positions


                                                  try visage lmao



                                                    mind to coach? :P

                                                    I understand what you mean, I personally havent grown tired of Rubick becuase he is very interesting to play, but it may in fact happen for the other heroes.

                                                    That being said, I may try to diversify, my personal problem (above all else) is that I am not generally a broad player, meaning I usually stick to a role, that being support.

                                                    Still, what I am tryin to do is exit my comfort zone and try new things, new heroes, new roles (such as the offlaner for now).


                                                      playing random heros and random roles is so dumb.

                                                      also you wont "drop" because you spammed a few heros in one or two different roles.
                                                      its not like people start randoming in ranked after they hit their goal.

                                                      playing good with 8 heros in 2 roles

                                                      >>>>> indefinetly better then

                                                      playing 80 heros mediocre to bad in all roles

                                                      @surpreme attack

                                                      you are totally wrong. you keep playing heros with which you have >50% winrate? for what?
                                                      every person is different. every person does better or worse in some positions and with some heros. why would I play safelane carry when i know im bad at it. why wouldnt i play anything else other then the 2 roles im best at and the handful of heros im best with to gain mmr?

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                                                        On a side note, I need to check some replays to effectively deter the enemy support from pulling/stacking the jungle in my offlane.


                                                          I dont think I'll get bored of sk....number of mistakes I make keeps pushing me towards learning him and playing him more.....and the fact that you might lose the lane some how then redeem yourself with a game winning epicenter is enough to make you play the hero....he is pretty hard tho....I have 90 matches on him and still miss stun...over estimate its range...stun one hero when I could easily get a ravage. ...also caustic explosions are very fun to hear....sand storm is just boring ass shit fuck that spell. .I still blink in with epicenter on no enemy heroes....I say the hero needs alot of dedication.....even cuki ulted on no one today LUL


                                                            i gotta find that 4.8k to 6k in 1 month jakiro spam guy's games
                                                            he's back in 5


                                                              Pudge as support is pretty much freewin these days


                                                                If you actually enjoy making play and want to try offlane , i would suggest nyx

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  Definitely would not recommend skillshot heroes like Mirana or Pudge for climbing MMR.


                                                                    I dont think I'll be good with pudge, havent played him in a long time :-/

                                                                    Thanks! going to check the guy out :)

                                                                    I'll keep you posted (if you guys are interested hehe) and see how it goes.


                                                                      Spam Jakiro mid lane if you want to bump and gain MMR.
                                                                      SK + kotl offlane can be cancer :D


                                                                        hmm SK+Kotl?


                                                                          There's no "good" nor "bad" hero lol. If you r gud, u gain mmr, if not, git gud. :-)


                                                                            Yes, hit me up. I am KOTOL spammer, I can make you a star


                                                                              ayyy, then we should organise one of those cool matches with spam pickers, I'll pick rubick, you can pick kotl, and the others should also be spam pickers.

                                                                              checked your profile, expected 1000+ games on kotl. You broke my heart :(

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                U can grind with any hero to 4k. Even dogshit ones like alche


                                                                                  I'll play meepo


                                                                                    you can grind to 6k with literally any hero.


                                                                                      Dud' I'm an old dota 1 player I jumped to 4.1k even tho I calibrated at 1.8k in 1 year pls y u d dis :-'(


                                                                                        Listen to Cuki, he trained almost every dud in the pro scene.

                                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                          pick 3 heroes and spam it


                                                                                            Yea spam 3-4 heroes such as:
                                                                                            Kotl, Jakiro, Ogre etc
                                                                                            Heroes who do not require a lot of skills.


                                                                                              I like playing SK and I am by no means good (been dangling in 4.3-4.9, lately more so in 4.3), but one problem that I run into is that if your team doesn't wanna follow up there is very little you can do on your own past the laning phase so just be aware of that i guess.

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                                                                                                Cuki, can you teach me? do it for a Balkan friend.

                                                                                                In return, I'll give you my soul, and my body.



                                                                                                  I guess some team coordination is required and at some ratings it may be lacking indeed.
                                                                                                  I understand the frustration.

                                                                                                  When I stack with competent players (doesnt matter the mmr) I feel like at some point you dont even have to talk, you already know whats going on. Sadly in solo queue that is not always the case


                                                                                                    U balkan fren? Oh boi where exactly?


                                                                                                      Krusevac, but that's where I was born, I actually live in Switzerland.