General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a music player for PC

Looking for a music player for PC in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    I need a music player with the following properties:

    1) It should work fast.
    2) Good database (or at least good support) for album artworks.
    3) Ability to import CDs in lossless quality.
    4) Ability to create MP3/compressed audio copies of lossless sound files.

    Gib recommendations pls

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    Giff me Wingman

      Wait wat. Rip CD's? and loseless quality?

      You seem confused as fuck.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Import CDs, I meant import.

        Giff me Wingman

          Who wants to get shit from CD's? Also in lossless quality?

          You can literally get every single song online.

          There is no way in hell you will ever hear a difference between 320kbit MP3 and lossless quality.

          Этот комментарий был изменён
          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Why are you talking about irrelevant things though? Also, I do hear a difference.

            Giff me Wingman

              You do not hear a difference, even with high end equipment.

              Also It's not irrelevant. It's like asking for new VHS player. It's literally dumb.


                From what I know, loseless and mp3 dont go in the same sentence.

                Mp3 is basically a compressed version of the song.
                Sure you got several compression types, still it basically cuts the high pitch of the song file but its not going to be in loseless format.


                  sam asks for a music player
                  blunt makes 3 posts, telling him that he doesn't actually need the player at, that he can't hear possibly a difference between 320k and lossless despite most likely never hearing music from high quality equipment in his life and basically calls him a moron



                    That being said, if you use a normal USB pair of headphones, its not mandatory that you search for loseless format songs.
                    Your best bet, if you still want them that way, would be to search them torrenting, but it's illegal in some countries, here in Switzerland it's not unless you sell them.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      arin posts assumptions claiming that I've never done the test, despite me being in a studio in my academy testing it myself. Also others have tested it (in my academy and on several sites) also say the same.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        How can there possibly be no difference if one is "compressed" and the other is "lossless"? Either way, THAT IS IRRELEVANT. You can clearly read what I wrote. Also, what the fuck does it have anything to do with VHS?

                        Giff me Wingman

                          braindead 4k players as usual.

                          What do u mean how can there be no difference?

                          Are u dumb? Do the test urself u idiot. There is a reason why there exist literally no fucking internet radio that streams higher than 320kbit, despite having internet connection on phones that go as high as 72mbit nowadays.

                          You won't be able to hear the difference even with expensive high end gear. I know that u're a retard when it comes to audio, since u didn't even know that you dumb shit. Compressed 320KBPS is the same as FLAC, unless u are born with very good ears, trained them and got insanely expensive equipment, which you do obviously not.

                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            insulting people based on their mmr on a topic totally unrelated :thinking:


                              Well you screen record a video on YouTube after you have recorded multiple put them in a folder and when you want to watch them just click on the first song and select autoplay so it continuously plays the songs I the file.


                                at this point, calling out blunt on bullshit became so common that noone actually feels impressed or suprised about it

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Taking 4k players like arin srs is so common, that noone actually feels imåressed or suprised about it. No wonder u're still 4k,u're a dumb human being that isn't able to learn.


                                    cant decide between orange and red?

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      im not sure there is a music player that also compresses flac into mp3s, theyre not designed for that and there is separate software for this kind of thing
                                      im sure it weighs like couple megabytes anyway why dont u just get a normal player and dl a special program to convert ur stuff

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        I mean, iTunes does all of these things, but it's slow and laggy af so I want to change. I don't have an iPhone anymore either. At this point I either won't change or get two seperate programs yeah.


                                          Aimp. V 4. I don't know if it meets your requirements, but I use this one


                                            spotify maybe?


                                              I love how this thread became a shitpost in a matter of minutes with people refuting each other's arguments and basically wanting to sound legit sound mastering technical gods. No one even recommended a good player to the OP.

                                              Just use VLC, it's the best there is.