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General DiscussionCookies Guide

Cookies Guide in General Discussion

    i'm 14, quite older than you kid.

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      you got the 5k mmr, not the skills

      how do you get to an MMR without the skills? im actually curious what you mean by this? so I got lucky or what? (im cuki btw)

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      Mlada i Luda

        what you rly 14 year old little kid?!!!!!!!! or you doing this only to get rid of me ?


          ofc not, i am quite a honest person

          how old are you

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            mafioso, you seem like quite a smart person actually. you see things differently from others and you dont just accept it even if a5k said it. im curious how to get to 5k mmr, because i also want to just get the MMR as it is my goal. but im not interested in the skill or the hours of hard work to get it. i just want to find a good easy way to get there by a trick or strategy. i think you might know how? i know you play for fun, but if u tried hard you probably could get it 5k too. but not every1 has that much time to play i know

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              if i had 10 years to play every day i would be 10k

              Mlada i Luda

                ok you made it, i will not even take 1% risk of talking to an under 19 years old person here , im out of this shit


                  how does a kid who's not even 20 have the highest mmr in the world?

                  did he do a ton of replay analysis?

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                    @mafioso, the moment cuki talks to you like a civil person you're out. lol. wtf is this shit.

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                      Wait, Mephisto, just one question

                      When do you think i figured it out?

                      But, i won't lie, i did enjoy it.

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                          Can you two not stop? It was just starting to get entertaining. SMH people these days.


                            Fixed, i kinda get sometimes used to writing it how it's pronounced letter by letter.

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                            Mlada i Luda

                              if no one here knows the lyrics of this song, the song that camme in my mind after the first time i reached 5 k here jsut like cuki little boy , than your not in the age to disscus with me , no matter waht you think about it. kido i told you im 1 step ahead i always was . after all jakced is right about 1 thing yeah im different the only reason i enjoyed talking here is cause of different opinions than mine, this is the way i like it. listen the song kid im sure you will remmber it after every game that you trying rly hard and still loosing or even wining lol.


                                But that wouldn't be fair, I wasn't even trying.

                                Well, surprise me next time and maybe i'll try so hard.

                                Maybe I'll even match you.

                                Who knows, everything is possible ;)

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                                  mafiosos 17 to 19 or at least sounds like a teenager to me



                                    also regarding the subject - the techies suggestion was good cz that hero stands out, but outside of that one any stable 5k player would be able to get 5k on a new acc with

                                    io's one of the strongest hero in pub games in this mmr bracket (and also not the hardest to play). hes the only support boosters are playing often enough, too.

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      jokes aside you already revealed yourself how try harder you are with the guides and many other comments you did anyway the important question here was if you know the song , not only for but for all. triplesteal .. who the fuck are you ?!!!!


                                        a b tard

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          если трипл реально сидит в /бэ/ я буду очень разочарован


                                            Who the fuck are you Mefiozao?


                                              2ч/4ч и прочий мусор мертв уже лет 15 как, а у меня тогда даже этих ваших интернетов особо не было, так что про бэ была скорее шутка; я не сидел/ не сижу на бордах вообще.

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                                                You told me yes
                                                You held me high
                                                And I believed when you told that lie
                                                I played soldier, you played king

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                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  im cuki with another acc trying to heat up the things here cause i have nothing else to do XD


                                                    So, a no one? k


                                                      dotabuff forums your daily dose of autism


                                                        also i believe that mafioso might be cookie tbh only cookie uses xd unironically like that


                                                          then i guessed right :/


                                                            I kept one logged on my phone and one on my PC XD

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                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                              ahhahahahahahhaahahhahhaha... this is the first time i laughed for real in this forum


                                                                so cookie is mafioso and diox is jacked and ken is ywn.......fucking thing u know is SLQ is arin


                                                                  what the fuck happend in this tred


                                                                    Mafatso. coach me pls


                                                                      IM BWS AND MY REAL MMR IS 1k.


                                                                        im just me ty


                                                                          no you're not. i always thought u were blunt

                                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                            since when did i become ywn the fuck ?

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                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                u are like discount waga now

                                                                                Not gonna lie, that made my evening


                                                                                  Bws is my gay partner


                                                                                    @cookie i will post something on your profile so you can add me because i need some advice from you buddy