General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Hero for 1k

Best Hero for 1k in General Discussion

    I just wanna know, any suggestion for me to climb from below 1k to 2~3k?

    I was trying to spam AM but I failed so I stopped playing rank and just go to pubs to finding my best hero.

    Help me, guys. I just want to get out from this 1k

    chicken spook,,,,

      A N Y H E R O W I T H A N Y B U I L D
      T H E M E T A D O E S N T E X I S T I N 1 K
      I'm serious


        Actually, my worst nightmare is PA


          PA ursa wraith king and any high winrate hero in 1k


            Play simple easy ones. Not am. Contrary to popular belief that hero is not good even in 1k


              weaver, viper

              chicken spook,,,,

                The problem is everyone knows how to counter him and people in 1k doesn't know how to play him or with properly.

                basement :)

                  Maybe PA because no-one knows how to counter the passive?


                    Dat critical make me insane

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Go spam her then, lmao

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        But keep in mind that the biggest factor of climbing is your own gameplay, not your hero.


                          I'd say Zeus but what do I know I'm just a sub 1k scrub ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                            Thanks for ur advice, I'll try my best


                              Any hero is fine. But if i have to go back to 1k again i would choose sky or zeus just because the hero is fun.
                              Psst if you choose sky just practice your cs and go mid get basic item and shit then go for BELOW 15min atos then its a free win. More simple way is to think that you are playing 1vs0 game and keep farming till you hit 6 slottef then hit rosh then ancient


                                Axe is good to kill noob if you are not insane slow with your blink like a grandpa


                                  Any hero that fit ur gameplay and u love em



                                    sort by winrate in <2k
                                    tl dr - zeus, necro, sb, riki, cm, lich


                                      i climbed from like 700 mmr to 3.1 using Invoker, SF and Drow

                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        Literally almost any hero, like what the fuck.

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          Jungle LC,I can get thousands duel dmg with her in 1K


                                            take mid and its GG


                                              the meta exists in every mmr bracket. it's just catered towards their own bracket.

                                              pretty sure u might think 4k has a "meta" and some 6k player picks lion mid and dumpsters your invoker and says THERE IS NO META.



                                                heroes that have snowballing and late game potential or heroes that if unpunished become broken. stuff like slark or chaosknight. mostly carry positions.


                                                  >pick storm
                                                  >buy wards
                                                  >>>zip zap
                                                  >kill all 1k players out of position
                                                  >win game

                                                  but tbh at that low mmr and you still struggle you should just keep playing and learn all heroes


                                                    Try inv heroes.
                                                    Riki, clinkz, bounty...
                                                    In 1k bracket no one buys detection...
                                                    But if you realy want to get of 1k Bracket you must improve, spamming doesn't help you to stay in a higher bracket.
                                                    I used to spam earth spirit, that gave me mmr boost every time, but i can't stayed in the new bracket because my mechanics didn't improve, i was just mastering 1 hero


                                                      Phantom Assassin... Best Hero, until I get bored and find something else to play.

                                                      Optimus Drip

                                                        If you want to learn a hero this is the mmr to try it. It's like playing against bots. But more retarded


                                                          Bots let you play mid at least


                                                            probably shadow fiend

                                                            you reach level 3 asap in mid and snowball completely out of control while flashfarming everything just from that.


                                                              people dont like playing support in 1k, but cm is so OP there its true


                                                                if u need a certain hero to get out of 1k u kinda deserve it
                                                                i can play most heroes and win, but if im tryharding i go storm, lina, od, ember, those r my main 4, but again i pick huskar and shit and win too. it doesnt rlly matter at 1k


                                                                  In 1k bracket no one buys detection...

                                                                  they either do this or they buy way too much
                                                                  for reference:


                                                                    Just play what you are the least bad with...


                                                                      how do u pick storm and ember in 1k and own lul.


                                                                        i do lose with them, but i like the heroes and they can shitstomp when they snowball yet still have comeback potential


                                                                          I notice you have a pretty good mechanic skills for someone in 1k bracket.
                                                                          Nice gpm and xpm in your cores.


                                                                            well honestly you can break high ground at ~12 minutes using treads aquila mom dragonlance/yasha shadow fiend if you got aegis

                                                                            1ks don't just recover from getting raxed in at 12 minutes and you just win the game.

                                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                              OGRE MAGI


                                                                                apart from just picking what you like and understanding the hero properly, there are two things to consider

                                                                                1. the enemy won't be good at drafting/itemising so pick heroes that punish a lack of game knowledge/bad itemisation - invis heroes, map-farmers, multiple unit heroes, pa etc.

                                                                                2. your team don't know you from adam and don't know what to do so pick a hero that can get an early game godlike streak - your team will listen to you if they've seen you fight and win already.

                                                                                am is a bad choice because if the game is going badly your team will give up before you come online and everyone knows how to counter a mediocre am.


                                                                                  Jakiro, +150 gpm and 25% xp gain is good, not to mention his long stun and pushing capabilities


                                                                                    bristleback is uncountered hero in 1k Lel


                                                                                      @Rocket that was true. I feel like AM isn't best choice in this bracket.

                                                                                      I agree with number 2. Yeah, they won't listen till we have a rampage or maybe just a lil ultra kill

                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        Lmao jacked do u even know how OP storm is against people who cant lane or keep themselves from walking around on random spots
                                                                                        Not to mention these retards know nothing about glimmer/gs/force staff/etc

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          Ember cant fucking hit towers ye I get it

                                                                                          also jdf8

                                                                                            literally anyone


                                                                                              literally anyone

                                                                                              This might apply if your 6k+ playing in the 1k bracket.
                                                                                              For people that are 1k players it wouldn't be fun to spam io because losing games while getting abused by team mates isn't going to make you learn.
                                                                                              When you give give advice on post like this you need to take into account that the player doesn't massively out skill his opponent.


                                                                                                meepo, i went from 800 to 2k in 1.5 days

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                                                                                                  ^ dat was crazy


                                                                                                    HOLY shit! And I was wondering why it is so difficult for me to get back to mmr I used to be!
                                                                                                    This guy played like 100 games in 2 days!

                                                                                                    Spec Deck
