General Discussion

General DiscussionSkipping Midas on Invoker QE?

Skipping Midas on Invoker QE? in General Discussion
sumail fan

    And replacing it with drums or EULs, and then going for the standard build - Aghanims, BoT etc. How viable do you think it is?
    Thing is, I am an Invoker spammer, and the opposition knows it when they check my profile, so they do all they can to 3-man gank me non stop for the first 10 minutes of the game, making it impossible to get a decent Midas timing (13 mins is too late I feel). Since I'll be fighting so much early game, why not get Drums, or EULs and gain XP by killing gankers and staying alive?


      Just don't die. Lane too hard, go grab the ancients, hard + medium stack. Farm more with Meteor, and try ballsy plays (Cold Snap + Meteor, even early [ie. 8-12 minutes in].)

      Often, I get a 1v3 mid too, I end up just taking the other mid down before I go. Or the support, or both. Make it costly for them. Especially good if you can get the kill on the mid first, so you get the XP and he doesn't.

      Edit: You just have to remember how fragile Invoker is, ESPECIALLY in the early game.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        To answer your question, if you get Midas after 12 minutes, its BAD, but recoverable. Unless its 18 minutes and you still don't have Midas, you should have other slots used already (wand, Null x 2, boots and maybe something else). Figure out where to go from there. Game is probably lost already, because the other mid destroyed you so badly he will probably snowball and win.

        sumail fan

          but then they'd just straight up take my tower wont they? i can only cast meteor so many times before i run out of mana. Is it ok to go jungle that heavily versus a pusher mid?


            No, you push your lane with the Metoer and forge spirits, then go back to jungle.

            Edit: Also, Invoker has mana issues, ofc. I wasn't a fan of the new style, but I've finally caught on. Before Midas, get yourself a second null, or Ring of Bassilius as well as ferried clarities. You can keep the ring on to push the lane, or turn it off to let the lane come back to you (you often want the ring on for the +2 armor on your forge spirit).

            You can also push the lane with Alacrity instead. It is cheaper, and you don't have to spend 60 mana to queue CM out.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              id rather sack my mid tower than die 3 times
              at least u farm safely next to ur t2


                U should try early BoT And skip Midas. Movement speed is the one u need to farm as invoker. Also eul is bad better save some More gold' for linken
                Just my 5 cent


                  how can u not get tired from invoker 500 games copared to 2nd palce waow

                  sumail fan

                    well every invoker game feels so different to me. Different item builds, different skill usage. I dont think i'll ever get tired of him. What ingenious hero design!

                    .MaryjaNe †

                      i am an invoker spammer also atleast i was before. And istill belive that qw is the better choise u always can defend ur self versus gankers with tornado also u are way more usefull as EMP/TOR voker than meteor in the team fights and also u dont farm aghanim till 25min into woods because when u do that u are never in the fights u just use one single spell SUNSTRIKE wich doesnt always hit the target and the game feels 4v5 for the first 30min but when u play qw voker the game feels way different u can always gank and be usefull in the team fights as initiator since the EMP is OP at first 25min when nobody has alot of mana. u know what i do? i ask for a tango just 1 and get blades for attack to build my phase boots wich i have in 3-4 min of the game after that it gets easy. i just dont like the new playstyle of invoker wich everyone is playing like that the single spell voker SUNSTRIKE for 30min USELESS.

                      sumail fan

                        you make excellent points, man. I just find it very hard to win mid as QW though. And the farm is atrociously slow for my tastes. But definitely something to consider. Phase urn and try setting up fights.


                          idek what ur talking abt
                          even as qe invoker i take a point in wex at lvl 2 or 3 and get alacrity, then with alacrity cold snap u can turn ganks
                          u can farm greedily and use sunstrike to still have map presence.
                          u still max wex second u just take 4 points in q then max wex.
                          as qw u dont farm fast at all, while as qe u sacrifice a small 5-10 min fighting window to split push, farm, take objectives, and then roll over the enemy team


                            Idk how you even need 25 minutes for an aghs as a QE invoker,just how bad at farming are you?


                              QE is better build rather than QW to be honest , since QE still can build alacrity and cold snap for gank and escape for 3 gank actually pretty easy , u just need to use ghost walk or defeaning blast to run away .. if they had a thousand sentries on mid u just need to hug your tower or u can use your forge for haras

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                U should try early BoT And skip Midas.

                                Previous guy who said this to me is a mid spammer who is still stuck on 1k
                                He realized that he was wrong later on, tho


                                  I heard there is a neutral creep in jungle , insane right


                                    Idk how you even need 25 minutes for an aghs as a QE invoker,just how bad at farming are you?

                                    pretty bad

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      If you think min 25 agha is bad, then you havent seen my invoker 😏


                                        W E invoker the shit

                                        .MaryjaNe †

                                          as i said i dont play the usual meta midas agha fire voker woods till 30min CUZ ITS FUKING USELESS. Every single voker i see going mid doing it and every single voker at 4k is farming agha for 25mins.. tornado emp is OP at beginning meteor is for end game fights just my opinion

                                          .MaryjaNe †

                                            Also if you think its kinda hard to farm without Exort at begining you should try my strat getting Blades of attak and a tango(shared) i have 300gold after game start with the bounty rune u get ur phase boots at minute 3 u will get ur farm easy and u are able to deny creeps also.


                                              Not sure if anyone will listen to that considering your wr as invoker is damn bad

                                              .MaryjaNe †

                                                317 w - 300 loses its bad but when i started spaming voker the stats was pretty bad before that so i guess its good.

                                                .MaryjaNe †

                                                  not sure why the stats in dotabuff is different than the stats in my dota game.


                                                    Ingenious :D

                                                    .MaryjaNe †

                                             last 20games 4 loses QW start

