General Discussion

General Discussionwill cookie race F!RE to 6K again

will cookie race F!RE to 6K again in General Discussion
Story Time

    Since the topic was closed but i really liked to bump it from time to time.. I created it again to say that F!RE is playing again! :D So will Cookie race him to 6k?


    all role player

      i bet my boi f!re will reach 6k first !


        They both just gonna be stuck in 5.5 for a year lul


          cookies could be 6k in 2 weeks probably if he tried, cookies skill is more like 6.5k but he spends most of his time smurfing rather than playing at 5k


            nah, i like my low mmr accs more

            I got myself another 1k acc, gonna get my current acc to 4k or 4.5 maybe and give it for 1-2 new 1k accs

            p.s there never was a race, how is it ''again''? the only thing that is happening ''again'' is that you're trying to make it happen ''again''.

            to which i say:

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              Isnt it painful to play with players where you can just watch them make mistakes that to you seem unbearably simple or like be unbearably inefficient? Not to say i wouldnt be one of those people sucking to such an extent but i cant imagine choosing to play with people that are so much worse that you. It seems like it would be infuriating,


                it's actually hilarious when you get used to it


                  cookies doesnt seem to mind the animals, he must like petting zoos alot


                    fires playing again?

                    also jdf8

                      i won the race :thinking:

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Fire's gonna make a new account and thread

                        also jdf8

                          playing with people way worse than you is fine you just accept that they will make visible mistakes more often and try not to care about if it impacts the game

                          i can get super triggered but its almost always bad at game + really really awful attitude

                          Story Time

                            why cookie has no stream yet? I think dotabuff fandom is already sound in size