General Discussion

General Discussion how to stop my negative mindset/flame/feeding

how to stop my negative mindset/flame/feeding in General Discussion

    When others flame I lose the will to play and I actually enjoy ruining games intentionally also flame in ranked making them lose and myself even if i dubble down


      Setting > Options > Top right corner, find Mute all incoming chat > Put a tick in it > Done


        I found that being the only nice person in a really toxic game will give you more commends


          if u enjoy ruining an hour of peoples entertainment for no benefit I think u shud be cast out of society no Kappa


            aight, maybe i should just mute all and play some games

            chicken spook,,,,

              Pls enjoy gaem


                i liek the geam very much ploxz no bullie


                  A great life outside of dota does wonders for the life inside dota.

                  A happy person has a good time in dota.
                  A angry or sad person will get worse inside dota.

                  Yung Beethoven

                    @Sir is right.

                    You should really think about what does this intentional feeding gives you? Can you prove your point with it? Is it beneficial in any form to you? No, cuz not even the reason that your team loses 25mmr really matters, since you are never going to meet them again anyway.

                    Just mute them and enjoy the game. Think about that: if everyone would act as you do, would the game be fun for anyone actually?


                      there's some stuff here about mentality

                      idk, maybe it'll hlep

                      i never had issues with mine, i just turn on music and mute flamers


                        ill keep everyone unmuted, but if someone just starts saying shit like "oh this (my hero) sucks dick" etc etc I just mute
                        I don't have time for their bitching