General Discussion

General DiscussionTypical amateur 2k Gameplay recap.

Typical amateur 2k Gameplay recap. in General Discussion
Smoke Weed

    my friends
    im going to tell a story of a 54 min of 2k SEA dota games
    those who hate long posts or noobs story please skip.

    i am going on a normal game of dota 2
    im on dire

    select hero stage
    first pick cm: im disappointed cuz i like cm and these 2k scrubs sucks at her
    then i went to toilet and come back to pick am cuz hes cool.the enemy were
    cm , shadow demon , annoying weaver, sven, and huskar.
    my team has am, in(v)joker, abaddon, wk, and lion.

    first 10 min
    i am paired with lion we are going to top against cm and weaver. Invoker mid against husky.
    wk jungle and abaddon offlane against sven and shadow demon.
    and then lion (hex at 1st skill wtf ) harass too deep and died. he said sry and tp top
    and died again.then he never return top for like 20 mins. there was no ward,cm plant ward behind tower
    and our courier got killed. everybody was having a hard time farming. at 10.00 it was like 9-1 something.
    lion tp bot and with abaddon were feeding like huskar and shadow demon. wk is pinging me for not reporting missing.
    it was like hell.

    10-20 min
    weaver and cm is ganking hard. wk died in dark jungle.we are pretty hot headed.
    my team fight under their ward and the score went from 15-6 to 20-7( it was right at
    our bottom shrine) by 15 mins i left my lane because 1st tier fell and i retreat
    to the jungle farming with my powerthread and 20 min i got battlefury.
    i even had to help lion deward our jungle + snatch a kill when cm is trying to deward.
    after failing to save invoker and get flamed , i muted everyone in the game.

    20-30 min
    after muting, i feel that i could play significantly better, more focused.
    i farmed like a vietnamese farmer and tried to be efficient by switching powertread.
    meanwhile the radiant are split pushing.more teammates got picked off.
    weaver is godlike streak. i was very cautious and try to farm manta and linkens.
    i go for linkens to help against flamebreak frostbite and stormhammer.i could go for bkb.
    but i dont like it because i wasn't in much teamfight.

    30-40 min
    when i got them. i used them to push the creep away from the tower with more confident.
    at this point if ,the enemy group up and push together we would surely lost,
    but they didnt do it hard enough. at one point i realized that am is vulnerable to physical damage
    after i got 3 hit ko from red sven with satanic bkb and crit.

    40-end game
    we got a little hope up after killing sven when his ults is off, winning a few teamfight
    ( good that abaddon and wk managed to take weaver down, he was super annoying to me)
    then we started to pick off a stray cm who was hitting our shrine ALONE. i rat tier 2 mid tower
    and my friend take the aegis. we back to def after sven buyback and tp solo to take barrack.
    we win the fight. we went down mid, take rax tier 4 and won.i finally unmuted other 9 guys
    and did what a ligit mvp would do: typing "commend AM".

    In spite of a bad start, we managed to win. curious at my victory, i downloaded the replay.
    early game, i have very low cs, cm was always looking for a time to kill me. their ward were super
    aggressive, 3 in our top wonder wk and i were having a bad time. the cm were really
    dedicated herself to the team. she even well-played her teammates after killing a hero.
    (even a useless enemy support)
    at mid game the enemy are focused on taking our tower one by even got a midas. sven got a blink
    and had top net worth .i got a naked battlefury.
    from watching replay i realized how skill was our invoker. he was very good at escaping and
    landing a combo. during this time cm kept saying things to make us tilt but we prevailed.
    there was a point when sven's net worth surpassed mine by 3k, ithink that was
    the right time to gg push us.
    at late game, from the replay, i got called deaf by wk for defending base and not being in teamfight.
    cm was revealed to be a gurl who wanted +120gpm and 6 slotted items. wk was trying to talk to her
    but he apparently didnt know how to talk to girls. if i hadn't muted all of them, i would ask her for
    a facebook. that cm had the most fantasy point but at the end, it didn't even matter because
    we won.
    looking at the graph you will see an steady rise to the radiant side for most of the game.
    then it plummeted to zero. a 15k comeback. the major turnpoint is when i win the last teamfight
    and sven dieback.

    thats the end of the story,thanks for reading and sorry for crap grammar.


      Tldr team hold me back


        Me too like to strobe my own dicks


          well done fam! congrats :)


            yea sounds like 2k. 20 min bf and win the game


              @jacked 1k and 20min bf LMAO does this make me 2k materiel too ?
              my avg bf is 17mn tho with treads before it ofc


                Thanks for the shared info. was helpful. I'm at 2.1k and whenever i get AM im defending HighGround at minute 25. dont know why you got so lucky (probably the invoker)


                  Make the title typical amateur 2k-5k recap


                    A small tip rigt here. Mute immediately if you got flamed


                      gratz dude

                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        and then lion (hex at 1st skill wtf )

                        It's the correct 1st skill on lion (or I am wrong?)

                        A 2.5sec long range instant disable is better than shorter range, 80dmg, 1.1sec stun impale. It's good if you can hit more than 1 target but at lv1, hex is superior.


                          impale is still better, as the mana cost is lower than hex and has fairly lower cd, depends on situation though


                            Who the hell thinks antimage is cool anyway


                              U insult my heero????