General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut's RELENTLESS Sword

Juggernaut's RELENTLESS Sword in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    I saw BSJ's stream and holy fuck this sword looks so cool with the Red Arcana. Problem is it's a 2015 C.Cache item as part of the "Armor of the Unyielding Mask" set, so I can't buy it off the market.

    Is there any possible way for me to get this item? Gifting?


      The real question is......what were you doing in bsj stream?

      Fox McCloud

        More like, I saw a fail compilation video of BSJ's streams on YouTube. Channel name : BSJ Appreciator, to be exact. Funny stuff.

        Riguma Borusu

          shit that swords dope


            Lahai Roi

              I don't like Jugg arcana. It looks very messy.


                Agreed. Really good combo is the red arcana together with kantusa. Beautiful and show the world you got the mullah as well


                  I have money for arcana and did not have money for a set xD

                  Fox McCloud

                    No one's answered my question yet

                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                      all role player

                        collector cache is only gifted
                        but u can try finding seller (not market) but the risk for scam is high

                        casual gamer

                          bsj is a legit dota player guys