General Discussion

General DiscussionTo kill or Not to kill

To kill or Not to kill in General Discussion

    Let's say you're an AM, laning against a BristleBack and you are owning the lane, while BB is most of the time on low HP. My question is, if there comes a chance that you could kill the low HP and low mana BB, while losing alot of HP (for example, blinking under his tower and killing him), would it be worth it to go for the kill, or is it better to enjoy laning against a disable hero? Killing means having less HP against a fully ready laner after he respawned.
    in other words, could letting him run to base and TP back buy you more time to farm and deny creeps than killing?

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      I wouldn't play as a creep.


        Killing him would be better bc it gives you 200+ gold which is about more than the gold the creep waves that will be given to you when he runs back and tps


          Diving under tower is risky


            even if you don't tower dive all 3 of you in the lane would still lose a lot of hp for trying to kill bb,


              Depends on the rest of his team

              Riguma Borusu

                You don't dive towers as a pos1 in almost any case EXCEPT when you have backup, know where the enemy heroes who could save the offlaner's ass are, and are absolutely sure you're gonna get the kill.

                Risking isn't worth it.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  If you're not gonna die doing that, yeah, go ahead 100%. (I don't think NS will have supports TPing in to save the offlaner)

                  If you're gonna die doing that, you will have to consider how farmed both of you are and how the game is going
                  Net worth scenario:
                  -AM>BB, Nope
                  -BB>AM, Yes
                  -AM=BB, I would

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                    if there's a free kill without dying for it, you always go for it

                    regardless of the hero or situation

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      For AM,go to kill without dying is good,as you can tp back and blink to lane soon after your regen,same for all good mobility hero


                        Why BB lost a Lane against am?


                          What u can do as a bb when u hav 0mana lul



                              even with a soul ring AM has more regen items, and his mana burn damage goes through the damage reduction (I think)

                              Also thanks for the replies i guess i will get the kill and retreat for regen right away.

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                              Potato Marshal

                                Nothing goes through the damage reduction. Same with other forms of similar percentage damage reduction like Ursa ultimate and Visage passive except Axe cull and TB sunder.

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                                Fee Too Pee

                                  u guys know Bristle have right click and will win vs AM after spamming some quils before mana ebcome 0 right?

                                  While u have 0 mana u take minimum damage from AM , any decent hero will win with pure right click in situation 0 mana

                                  And pls , in laning phase , if u can free kill just fucking take it

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                                    cant believe even cookie says u should do it even when a lot of the times it's better not to

                                    unless u are sure he can't be a threat if he comes back with full hp and mana + creepwave isnt getting pushed toward his side it's better to do so

                                    if creeps are pushing u should first fix it so it's pushed toward u then go behind the wave to kill

                                    a lvl 2 bristle with no mana how hp gotta either go base or w8 till min 5, which secures u the most important part of the laning stage. if u kill him he's gonna come back full resources. u gotta ask do i have enough regen to sustain him again? or do i have a supp that we can put the bb back to his low hp no mana position? if ye go for it if no starve him and bully him


                                      Hmm. interesting. It sure does look like it hurts his HP alot. guess I may have overestimated BB's tankiness at start.


                                        like, u gotta have this thinking process:

                                        i got a salve if i go for this kill, bc i got a stunning supp i wont lose that much hp, creeps are also in good position so because i kill him they wont push to his tower and give him a free level. i wait for him to be out of position and i kill him. this is good

                                        but i see him low hp i kill him can go wrong in so many directions. he comes back u used ur salve u got 1 tango = +100 hp. or creeps push to him he get lvl3 now he can hurt you more + the free gold he's getting. he gets one more item. your advantage becomes less. then that levelup results in more levelup and you lose control of the lane

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          Fighting BB is all about knowing when you can kill him, and how fast you can kill him. A lot of people assume that you can just kill a hero if you ambush them as 2 or 3 heroes, but he can easily solo kill several heroes at once if you're not careful. If you can't silence/break/completely mana drain him, you'll need to either slowly whittle him down faster than he can regen, or instantly burst him down before he can build up quill stacks on you and start shooting 550 damage aoes every other second.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            It's not worth it if you have to dive him and he can run far from the creep wave and you miss cs. Hero kills are worth

                                            110 + streak value + (killed hero level × 8)

                                            So if he is level 4 in lane you get 142 gold. Melee creeps on average yield 36g, ranged 45g. So 3 melee and one ranged is more than that hero kill early levels.

                                            Plus bb needs xp and levels but he still needs farm too. If you deny him all his farm, whack him when he comes close so he has to back, that zoning is almost as good as killing him anyway.

                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                              If the BB's low hp low mana, he can just get salve and keep laning with 0 mana. That way AM won't deal much damage to him. It's not optimal for him, but he stays in the lane.

                                              A kill gives you a creep wave of gold and exp, then makes the enemy loses gold. The offlane is short, the respawn time might be less than the time taken to walk back home and heal but still, the gold is worth it, it speeds up your progress as a pos1. After that kill, you get a Ring of Health which will solve the problem later when he comes back. You are a step ahead.
                                              You can never die to a BB in lane as AM unless ganked, get a wand, get a ring of health, he spams quil spray get charges to sustain, low HP? Get a salve and repeat again.

                                              And yes, the occasion of killing BB is rare but I believe OP's point is if there's a choice to kill, would you let him live and walk a short offlane home(since we're at bot dire t1) having sweet laning time or kill him tower diving just to have him tp back soon?