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General DiscussionWINNING games w/o even trying! Share it!

WINNING games w/o even trying! Share it! in General Discussion

    4.1k MMR Luna 15 min afk jungle PMS + Iron Talon + QB + Midas + BOTs + Aghs + Refresher

    WIN, MMR up to 4220
    K-D-A: 3-1-11
    GPM: 748
    XPM: 680
    This game just goes to show that you can jungle and win with any hero in 4k shit.
    I literally didn't care about my team for the first 15 minutes because Juggernaut stole my lane and the cancer in me told me to pick Luna and go full retard.
    My item progression:
    - Poor Man's Shield
    - QB to Iron Talon
    - additional QB
    - Midas
    - Use all fountains so I save time from walking to/from base
    - tried out the Agh's Scepter rush with Brown boots
    - Upgraded to Boots of Travel
    - Bought Refresher Orb
    I mean come on, with a very static enemy lineup of Magnus, Kotol, Enigma, SF and TB. Who will even come to contest my jungle?
    I ended the game properly by buying Manta + Butterfly + Skadi since the Agh's + Refresher was total shit against enemy lineup haha.
    WIN w/o even trying!

    Potato Marshal

      QB's quell doesn't even stack with iron talon's quell. You boughr a useless item.


        -Did you know Talon & QB can't stack . Patched months ago


          Wtf?! Really? And last night I lost a solo ranked game by buying a useless diffusal blade to counter omniknight

          And before that where HotD +attributes got nerfed to just +2



            hows ur road to 5k going ?!?!


              @blackXargon, good luck with your road to 5k in sea 4k... I thought i could rush to 5k this week so i used all 3 double down tokens.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                Lost 3 consecutive matches where i used double down, all as earth spirit, i have the same xpm with my carries and better KDA ratio. yes this is similar to winning games without trying hard, (for the enemy though)


                  @Abyss Watcher that was a very daring/emotional move. Don't get dictated by tilts or triggers.

                  Use the double down very wisely.

                  My friend did the same thing over the weekend and lost 200 MMR in a day!

                  I was very tempted in doing it this morning after getting 3 straight losses but the idea of having an MMR back from where I started last May was something I didn't want to happen

                  #justgrind #getgood


                    you have been at the same mmr for the past 10 years weren't u?

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      @ get me out
                      are you referring to me? i started playing dota 2 @2016, im a very busy student, and i calibrated @3k but climbed to mid 4k.

                      Potato Marshal

                        He's talking about BlackXargon, which I know has had the same MMR for at least 4 years when I first started playing.


                          are you seriously comparing me to this guy..


                            helo guys ,

                            i dont understand why arin dont updats his mmr

                            i mean nothing bad gona happen to u in life
                            if ur ashamed to do that , idk did u ever seen in life

                            feel sorry for u u seem like some depressed autist guy who will probably kill himself if u have to meet a girl sometime in life


                              if ur ashamed to do that , idk did u ever seen in life
                              feel sorry for u u seem like some depressed autist guy who will probably kill himself if u have to meet a girl sometime in life



                                hey. he was like 4k. now 4.2k. wp i guess. stop buying aghs jezzzus

                                me, government hooker

                                  #justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood#justgrind #getgood


                                    When you play techies and afk mine for 30 mins but the enemy dont even go there.