General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I get better at playing Mid?

How do I get better at playing Mid? in General Discussion
I can feel the adrenaline

    I suck at playing mid and I always end up feeding. How to get better?


      I'm also wondering about the same thing



        suck at cs-ing


          U ple line cast q ez lane


            Yo can you help me out with some tips regarding my gameplay? Feels like I have bunch of bad habits that I can't seem to figure out

            I can feel the adrenaline

              I keep losing mid everytime I play Mid lmao I know I suck but I do want to know how to be better lol


                Deny and secure ranged creeps


                  Honestly, just keep practicing. I suck at mid too lol.

                  It's just practicing and finding your groove for the mid heroes you like to play. Ask for ganks nicely by your supports if they pick heroes that can gank, and ask them to have tp's ready... Basically, just, communicate. This could definitely boosts your confidence if you have support(s) that gank once or twice in your lane to help you get closer to what you need to get.


                    @bws fix positioning, increase your situational awareness

                    i'm sure you're aware of these things but you can definitely drastically improve them. dota is game of decisions. throughout a game you make hundreds of them. and what defines a better player from the next is how frequently he makes the correct decisions

                    positioning will influence how you fight greatly. proper positioning means you will be able to do the max dps as a core without getting caught or allowing you to catch an enemy if you're an initiator and etc. its such a basic skill but it has one of the biggest impacts in the game. almost everytime you die; it's because of bad positioning.

                    situational awareness is being selfaware of the skills, heroes and items in play at the moment. you probably already see this a lot done at basic levels. for example, not aiming a wraith king if has ulti up or silencer saving his ulti for when enigma casts blackhole so he can instantly cancel it. at higher levels, you play around your enemies. notice the enemy carry tp is on cd and he's farming? jump the enemies at midlane. did your team just get wiped but now all enemy big ults like golem are on cd? straight push. baiting enemy items, knowing when to use your own items or skills and on who.

                    if you fix these two things which require nothing but simply using your head more, you should be able to see instant success. it's different from last hit challenges or mechanic training that requires muscle memory. and the success granted by this is far much more impactful than getting 100 last hits in 10 mins as opposed to 80.


                      ^basically summarised how to git gud. this man understands the game

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                        Knowledge is power. There are tons of general guides to play mid. Read 'em


                          Deny and secure ranged creeps