General Discussion

General DiscussionViper's ultimate

Viper's ultimate in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Why do I feel like his ult is underwhelming every time I see it in action? Like, lategame it's a glorified bkb piercing slow on a retarded cooldown for what it does, you never want to take the viper strike dps talent, or buy an aghs and it just feels so.... ugh. Played viper vs bots today to see how he works now and I hardly feel like the ult really helps the hero much in general, I went for the mobility build with phase boots and hurricane pike so I didn't have problems chasing people in first place.

    So am I completely missing something or is his ult just not that great? I want to get into the hero and spam him when I start playing ranked again but I just find his ult very questionable, while he does seem decently strong with the right click and tanky build, even lategame.

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      basically the worst core ultimate in the late game , may be if you want to fuck with sven and kite him it is okish


        It's OK, it reduces attack speed right? Idk having that much slow always feels useful just that it costs a lot of mana and viper has none.

        Riguma Borusu

          I think part of the problem for me is the duration, actually.


            Don't play viper


              it fucks melee hitters like sven and ursa and helps kite em but thats all


                viper probably don't need more slow than his normal build with skadi and hurricane and Q to kite , i hope his ult got reworked into something more core-y

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  You can't get slow down if you play Lycan.



                    ikr :) , your attack speed will get rekt thou

                    Lester, Moe

                      uh no his ulti is great and so is scepter, you're retarded

                      Fee Too Pee

                        It does feel underwhelming unlike most ulti thou.

                        But ..... Still a better ulti than lifebreak XD. #reworkhuskarultimate


                          Good if u play him as a support lol

                          Riguma Borusu

                            uh no his ulti is great and so is scepter, you're retarded

                            Yeah, I am sure that's why there's no scepter on 4 pages of guides.

                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                              What about ta ult? Oh you can scout rosh, ok.


                                What if they changed viper aghs so viper strike becomes bkb piercing aoe spell? :thinking:




                                    could say it's like sd ult without the purge? and with the as slow?


                                      Rework aghs and make it charge based

                                      주 롄양

                                        if u dont see any plyr go dps talent and aghs build y dont u try 1 instead

                                        Fee Too Pee

                                          Reworks aghs so its like venomous gale but its a viper strike lmao

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^that's the fucking point, gale is a better spell than viper strike, in most scenarios.

                                            Of course, I understand that every hero is balanced around their own skill set but I always find viper's ult weird. As people have said, were it charge based and had a good aghs, maybe that'd make it better.

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                                              It's pretty crap. In early game, you can kill some dude with 3 hits out of Shadow Blade, so the slow does not matter much.


                                                Its actually so bad to the point where my eyes start bleeding....

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  I think it's fine, it slows people to retarded amounts so they basically can't move or attack, especially combined with viper's other slows. The damage is considerable mid game too like when you just hit 18 and get level 3 it's a pretty big nuke. Biggest issues for me are cooldown and range. The range is awful, you have to hit people with Q and run up to them to get into range for his ult when really his ult should be his opener. The cooldown too is way too long for what it is. It also costs too much mana at higher ranks.

                                                  I think they should just tweak it slightly, make the default range 700, make the cooldown 25/20/15, leave mana at 125 or 150 all levels, change aghs to give two charges on 15 second cd, and instead of increasing damage make it increase the duration to 10 seconds with the slow recovery halved so they regain 8% a second.

                                                  Or you could just change the aghs completely, make it reduce armor by like 10 or something when affected by ult, or allow ult to work on buildings idk.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Viper's already a very solid hero though so do we want to overbuff him? His ult might be a little underwhelming but do you really want to play vs a viper with a ~10-20 second base cd on his ult? It would be nightmarish for any right clicker carries.


                                                      It's fine to have low CD the hero can't sustain the mana anyway


                                                        I find that thee viper just gets jumped by the MOM Blink, SVEN with his warcry etc and dies before the stun duration is over.

                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          ^ i hate these logic . like, LITERALLY MOST OF THE HEROES WILL DIE WITH THAT. no giving any point whatsoever

                                                          like :

                                                          this carry is bad , because every axe call + bm will die . literally most of carry will die because of that

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Viper is fine, he's either a beast laner and anti carry building shit like silver edge, or you can make him a legit carry/tower killer with mjollnir into ac/butterfly.



                                                              you are correct in that 90% of the hero pool gets trashed that way. it was giving a point. That viper on paper seems to be a good counter,but in game it doesn't work out that way.

                                                              FUCK IF ONLY I HAD A BLUE STAR, everyone would have to agree with me and respect my opinion.

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                imo its still better than snipers ult late because you only use that if someone low is escaping. But yeah in late game your not using it for damage your using it to kite your opponents, especially mele heroes that rely on bkb or magic immunity spells to fight or run away.

                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                  piercing bkb + undisable slow its kinda strong but yeaaaaa

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    I use sniper's ult to open fights/harass from distance. It's 487 with normal magic reduction, but that's still a pretty nice nuke to drop on someone entering a fight.


                                                                      Not as bad as spirit breaker ultimate

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        What? Spirit breaker's ult is awesome. Charge bash, ult bash, proc a bash, dead bunnies. It's a lot of damage early game, maybe falls off late but still goes through bkb.


                                                                          I like Vipers ult, Especially during mid game. If your team has a lot of mobility it really shines. It can almost eliminate ahero from the fight for a short period of time. Honestly though it needs a little buff. Its not much bette than Dazzles Q

                                                                          Yung Beethoven

                                                                            I remember the time when lifestealer was pretty strong and people picked viper against him because you could ult him in rage and slow him --> kite him.

                                                                            so its not that bad. But its not that good either


                                                                              It's the perfect ulti for a hero who's playstyle is just right click people. Figurately just press r and click on one single hero for a bit of extra damage and slow on that hero.

                                                                              His aghs is catshit though. If you pick it up as the first mid game item then your ability to keep up in farm to other carries is destroyed and it doesn't do enough for a late game item. The cooldown reduction doesn't do much and extra range is meh, like the hero either will get in range because an enemy is locked down already, or the viper is just pushing a tower and the enemy are forced to defend it.

                                                                              I'd like something which plays up the "poison" theme while still being incredibly boring like getting an aghs also makes poison attack reduce enemies attack damage and weakens their magic resistance.

                                                                              Or a more interesting and more useful thing would be to change it to spit out a big puddle of poison which lingers in a big aoe for like 5 or 6 seconds and applies viper strike onto whoever steps inside it.


                                                                                I think the ulti is fantastic. Viper is a bad hero in upper mmr but in lower mmr you can just won the lane by killing your enemy 100 times and get a early sb then you can roam to their jungle killing everyone. His ulti helps a lot for that

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  aghs upgrades on most right clicker carries aren't good cus the ability increases usually aren't enough to justify a slot with subpar stats. Drow it's really good cus of interaction with mjollnir. And who else? It's bad on jug now, laughable on sniper, situational on sven but usually no, situational on AM, I think it's awful on wk, support item on ck.


                                                                                    I don't play viper anymore since the last patch.
                                                                                    I was thinking that viper's ult in dota 1 is much better or is it the same until now?


                                                                                      I dont know man but ppl keep saying that his ulti is a pure garbage when in 2k you can just rush sb and get a solo pickoff everywhere with his ulti.