General Discussion

General DiscussionArmlet vs tick damage

Armlet vs tick damage in General Discussion
Lahai Roi

    Is there a strategy for this? Especially when you have multiple sources of tick damage on you. You have to time the toggle exactly between the ticks. Is there a way to quickly identify when or are you scrood?


      You count them and toggle like a god

      meteor hammer

        some ticks are easier than others

        rad and shadow word are easy. bladefury is essentially impossible. veno combines multiple easy dots and damage from wards

        ur best option is watching ur big hp bar go down i guess, but its a crapshoot unless you know the tickrate by memory (easier than it sounds for stuff like rad)


          ive armlet toggled frostbite before


            Play lifestealer and use rage

            Riguma Borusu

              I have died to orb of venom while toggling armlet :(


                get a wand


                  you toggle based on the tick interval i guess


                    just wish that the tick damage have the same tick per second and toggle in between