General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes anyone know whether playing the Battlepass campaign will affect ...

Does anyone know whether playing the Battlepass campaign will affect behaviour score? in General Discussion
basement :)

    I am planning on spamming quick matches to increase my behaviour score. Does anyone know?

    Tommy Shelby

      No. Affected by reports and abandon only


        This thread is filled with autism

        basement :)

          Behaviour score is increased by playing matches and not getting reported. The campaigns have a match id, so they are technically matches.


            Yeah just like dark moon
            This thread have a point actually
            Your autism make you cant see it daddy


              Actually idk if this affect bs or not


                what the hell is behaviour score anyway ?


                  I had like 9k beh score before having my main account cursed with abandon chains
                  I didn't notice any difference, games were still a bunch of shitfest

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    My BS is 9952
                    means nothing, I had a toxic blood feed 2 games ago

                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                    basement :)

                      I had around 9k beh score before having my main account cursed with abandon chains
                      I did not notice any difference, games were still a bunch of shitfest

                      I maintained 4.6k on this account with 50% win rate for hundreds of games. I go on a 4.4k smurf with extremely low behaviour score. Within only 15 games, that account became 4.1k.

                      My BS is 9952
                      means nothing, I had a toxic blood feed 2 games ago

                      How often do you meet such people though?

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        Point of this thread is to ask if siltbreaker affect bs point
                        NOT about if bs affect matchmaking or not (if you just take this thread literally, not see op personal opinion)

                        Can you guys stop being autist pls?



                          pretty rare to be honest. 1 in 10 maybe>?


                            How often do you meet such people though?

                            9500 here
                            bs doesnt affect mm, but it reflects how toxic you are yourself, and if you are cancerous, ur games and ur teammates sure behave worse because of u.

                            basement :)

                              How often do you meet such people though?
                              9500 here
                              bs doesnt affect mm, but it reflects how toxic you are yourself, and if you are cancerous, ur games and ur teammates sure behave worse because of u.

                              Toxic does not automatically equal low behaviour score though. People who get reported can be feeders, bad mannered, uncooperative, or bad at the game in general. Most people get reported because they are bad at the game not because they are consistent griefers. In the 4/5 of my games yesterday, every lane lost and fed. In 2 of the games, there was a dual middle. How often do I see a dual core middle on the enemy team? Never. How often do you get dual middle on your team?

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                i see one dual mid in 1k games in any team
                                thats the issue of mmr tho
                                i consider griefing/feeding to be represented by the word "toxic" as well; its not just about flaming, but the attitude one has.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  I went 7k from 9k after abandon. Didn't see much difference.

                                  Tell us if you improve your bs after your spaming campaign

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    also you always notice this kind of shit happening in ur team cz u just see all of it, but barely ever realize enemy team had the same kind of issues and u won because of it; its just not observable for u

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                      Yea, maybe spam clitbreaker and let us know did your bh score change or not

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        buzt BUT BUT the feEDers area ALWYSSA on my team ! 1


                                          i dont know what was the exact behavior score b4 that event started, otherwise would be interesting, cz im not sure whether it is affected by this kind of matches or nah


                                            99% sure it is, same went for darkmoon

                                            u are able to report ur allies etc as well


                                              u are able to report ur allies

                                              oh, thank you for the info, Florian...


                                                cant report in stacks though!


                                                  N E V E R M I N D


                                                    oh wonderful, the retardation about behavior score bitching is back

                                                    *grabs popcorn*

                                                    basement :)

                                                      I think does not affect behaviour score. I wrote a script to spam matches and ran it for a few games without any increase. I will run the script some more later.

                                                      i see one dual mid in 1k games in any team

                                                      But they are not trolling. They are playing dual middle because they do not know better.

                                                      How about I lend you my 4.1k smurf for you to play a few games, and you can compare your teammates to your usual ones? Look for teammate quality. Do your other lanes lose and feed? Are they uncooperative? Do the supports gank and buy wards and detection without you asking? Anyone who wants to borrow my account and is not playing in SEA (it seems everyone in SEA is toxic) can do so. For reference, the behaviour score is 4.5k.

                                                      oh wonderful, the retardation about behavior score bitching is back
                                                      *grabs popcorn*

                                                      It is not as though you have anything to disprove the theory.

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        its not someone elses job to disprove a theory that can not support provided for itself
                                                        lf russels teeapot in google

                                                        ik quite a bunch of ppl i get matched with in solo q outside of it, and some of them have bs down to 1k and even lower, spending 30% of their time in lp. yet we meet in the same games.
                                                        ur teammates do not know better than dual mid cz, as u said, its a 4.1k acc.

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          Behavior score doesn't mean anything, I capped out at 10k. If behavior score does effect who you get matched up with, then you're not missing much.

                                                          basement :)

                                                            it is not someone elses job to disprove a theory that cannot support provided for itself

                                                            I will offer more definite proof in the future. All I have currently is my experience, which is seems to support my theory. If Cookie has nothing to contribute, he should say nothing. If he thinks something is stupid, he should prove why, as you say.

                                                            I know quite a bunch of people i get matched with in solo q outside of it, and some of them have bs down to 1k and even lower, spending 30% of their time in lp. yet we meet in the same games.

                                                            It is because of your mmr. Only 1% of people have that mmr, so you just get thrown with anyone with similar mmr.

                                                            ur teammates do not know better than dual mid cz, as u said, it is a 4.1k acc.

                                                            Your server must be full of autist if they still think dual core middle is good at 4k. Probably a result of mmr inflation in Europe.

                                                            Behavior score does not mean anything, I capped out at 10k. If behavior score does effect who you get matched up with, then you are not missing much.

                                                            It probably depends on the server. If there are toxic people at high behaviour score for your server, the game is still decently balanced because both teams have toxic players.


                                                              "I am planning on spamming quick matches to increase my behaviour score. Does anyone know?" - no idea brother