General Discussion

General DiscussionSpec midas

Spec midas in General Discussion

    Am i supposed to build midas on spectre every game? When should I get it?

    meteor hammer

      just buy boot upgrade and urn or aquila instead sir. now you can fight and farm better, and are not wholly reliant on a passive gold gain item with no regen and limited ability to farm


        don't like it.

        you die too easily the entire first half of the game. they only time I'd get midas is if your team is 12v2 at 10 minutes and you were involved. and even then I'd just rush radiance instead. then you farm fast enoguh to not need midas really.
        /normal trench bracket opinions

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        Riguma Borusu

          If you have absolutely uncontested farm and can get it really quickly, it's great. Late midas is trash on spectre.

          meteor hammer

            uncontested farm means you can do this

            midas is a complete fucking waste in this case. the only time it pulls ahead of real items is if ur locked in base and cant farm, but can def HG


              17m radiance with those other early items is actually insane! must have been a hell of a laning phase (in your advantage)

              meteor hammer

                there were some kills but at the time hotd was both cheaper and stronger. the creep completely offset the cost of hotd by 17 minutes, let alone the regen and ias enabling jungle+lane rotation without losing hp. The enemy team also lost all t1s by 17 minutes iirc