General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get 100 last hits in 10 min as AM

How to get 100 last hits in 10 min as AM in General Discussion
White Wolf

    How do you do it? Pushing waves as soon as they come and going to jungle and rinse repeating doesnt seem to give more than about 96 unless you get the small camp with 5 creeps once which then gives 98.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      u need to do cookie challenge man!

      White Wolf

        thats what i am asking, how do I get the last few last hits or is it not possible on AM?


          we're not talking about a real game right?


            I have only done it twice ever in real games and not in any patch recently, not really a realistic scenario. You have to be totally crushing the lane and start jungling with treads and use your tangoes while you farm your ring gold.

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                  What? 100 last hits is possible on am? i only got an amount of 100 last hits as jugg


                    mekarazium the problem is not how to kill the low hp creeps the problem is how to kill it,rotate to jungle then go back to lane without letting any other creeps die in lane before u get back there

                    White Wolf

                      In a lobby, to simulate a free farm lane for AM


                        It's actually simple to do in an empty lobby, pretty sure anyone can figure out how to do it in few tries. But yea, it's not something that you can do in a real game (or at least, the chance of doing so and get away unpunished is very slim) or worth practicing into if you want to become an actually good pos 1 player

                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                          u need to do cookie challenge man!

                          I Give Ladies Anal

                            that's very possible to do in a game, if you are stomping the enemy team. There's no how to.


                              if you keep pushing waves as soon as they come, you're last hitting under enemy tower. then you get ganked because you're out of position.

                              pull jungle creeps. carries can do that too, not just supports.

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                              Riguma Borusu

                                pull creeps to your hard camp, then tank the enemy creepwave or last hit under the tower, you should be fine since you should have a ring

                                the hard camp wont die to a single creepwave, and it is unlikely that even one creep dies, but some creeps will be low HP eventually, then you finish off the hard camp or stack it, rinse and repeat

                                or you could actually go mid with antimage, some people do it


                                  it's not nuclear physics, all you have to do is push the wave then take the sidecamps


                                    well good to know 6k AM god from brisbane doesnt get 100 lh @ 10 mins on a daily basis. i feel better now


                                      7k soon fam.


                                        Im a nuclear physicist and i cant get the 100 lasthits

                                        meteor hammer

                                          ur problem is going to school instead of playing dota 12 hours a day while slowly alienating yourself from your family and friends more and more until nothing is left to you but your mediocre skill in dota

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                                            meteor hammer

                                              4k god

                                              i got into t6 semi finals. put some repect on my fucking nme

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                                                meteor hammer


                                                  i hope someday you can reach that level too, but understand that it may not be realistic


                                                    Just tp to another lane, is that so hard?

                                                    Also you can meet the wave earlier and make it follow you closer to the neutrals etc


                                                      This might help you, old but gold:



                                                      Basically you have to get as many lasthits as possible (82 cs) and Neutrals, logical, isn't it? So you have to kill enemy creepwave, your creeps hit the next enemy wave under tower, so the lane gets pushed back to your side, in most cases none of the enemy creeps die, while the tower hits them. During this period you go hit the jungle.

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                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        You also have to be mindful that one of their melee creeps can die under their tower if you shove the wave too quickly and don't come back fast enough, very irritating


                                                          This is so funny topic.

                                                          1)Number of last hits means nothing.
                                                          Just for example - you clear same number of lane creeps and you farm 8 times small camps in one game and 8 times big camp in other one.
                                                          In first game, you get under 500gold and around 800XP.
                                                          In second one, you get 800 gold and 1360XP.

                                                          Yea, it is an stupid example (too far to easy camp), but you clear in first one more creeps probably, but less gold and much less XP.

                                                          P.S. from lanes you have 150g and 210XP from each lane - so there is around 3k gold and 4100 (+denies) from each wave. If you manage all LH and 1/3 denies, it means you are getting 1400XP more from LH.

                                                          2) If your lane is contested (lets say Magina+support vs silencer/CM/Veno (pos4)+lycan/omni/viper (pos3) - my favourite offlanes), you will be excited to get 70% of creeps and not dying. I would say average is 50-60% of creeps in 3k bracket against strong dual lanes, if there is useless support, who cant zone, it will be probably even less... Because these heroes hit like hell and during trying to lasthit in 1 wave you can lose easily 1/2 HP. So you will need to call 3rd support to just try to help you out And as AM is completely useless on the lane vs these lanes, they will be mostly leeching your XP.

                                                          3) In 5kMMR+ there is no hero over 82 (max Meepo mid with poof and jungle, another 1 with over 70 (SF, double razes) and Sven with TA with 65+ ("splash" attack clearing heroes). Yes, there are games, when you can reach 100, but mostly you will be happy to be on 70LH in 10 minutes.

                                                          4) In your MMR (<2k) it is a maximum 50LH with Enigma.

                                                          Please people, stop focusing on these useless stats, it doesnt matter. Focus on lane equilibrium, focus on zoning other people, focus on lane LH, focus on not dying. If you get a pull, awesome. But in half of the games first 4 points are what matters, other things are extra, in first 10mins.