General Discussion

General DiscussionWas this match winnable ?

Was this match winnable ? in General Discussion
    i had to do solo safelane vs pa + phoenix tried my best to farm and push farm and push tried to tell team to send support to my lane es or pugna they ignored me and kept on feeding offlane and did not want to help with single ward... i played bad and lost but can you tell me how bad i did in this game ?

    PS: now i truly understand why high bracket players hate it so much when they get jungler in their games.

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      Why u talk about Laning stage like it matters. Look your game got to 50 mins. That's 1k for you

      Riguma Borusu

        Every game is winnable, but not by everyone in all circumstances. But jesus, why the hell do you keep echo sabre 51 minutes into the game? That slot should have been either a silver edge or an AC. The enemy had shivas, you were attacking slow as fucking shit except for the first two attacks, especially since you didn't have treads anymore.

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          rpq i was going to sell the echo but had totaly no idea what i was suppose to buy instead of it

          Riguma Borusu

            Your attack speed was just horrendous, should have done something about it. Also it's sometimes hard to find the right targets with Sven, because you can only jump at one point, if people are properly spread it's hard.


              RPQ that's totaly 100% what they did, invoker target me trying to force me for bkb pa attack from distance and disable then run away wait my bkb to go down then keep on attack and run away one by one till they get me out :(


                any advice how to deal with it when ever it happens also with what should i replace my echo or sange and yasha when the game gets late

                Riguma Borusu

                  SnY is cheap but sometimes its necessary if you run after people a lot. Echo is just not a lategame item, every attack speed item outclasses it.


                    yeah what i should get in late game instead SnY and echo (i mean if i had 1 what item will replace it) also how to deal with people spreading around waiting for my bkb to go off but stoping me from tp by spell piercing stuns or mini stuns

                    Riguma Borusu

                      The problem is that dota is not a 1v5 game so often it's not what you should be doing but what your team should be doing as a whole. You can't expect a sven to kill a whole team 1v5 if they don't clump up, are as farmed as you are, and have built and picked to counter you. If you are playing close to your rank you can't be expected to carry 1v5 which is what people often forget in these parts.

                      The worst thing is, in your case, it could be that keeping MoM would have been better than getting a satanic, because you aren't gonna survive if you can't hit anything, and MoM lets you hit shit with attack speed and movement speed buffs. You literally fucked your DPS by turning MoM into satanic (if you did that).

                      You had both shaker and enigma who can initiate for you, and initiate on targets that you might not blink onto, but keep them from disabling you (like pudge). The problem is that if the enemy team knows what they have to do and it's easy, and your team doesn't know what to do and it's also kinda hard, you're gonna lose in low MMR. Lategame their draft is pretty much useless against your draft, and if enigma and shaker played their parts properly it would be almost impossible to lose a lategame fight. But in that worst case scenario you should probably have avoided fights completely if you know you can't win them, just split push, and force people back, you can push really fast if you build properly, but your build was also really lacking in building DPS, you didn't have any attack speed bar blood thorn and you didn't have an AC for -armor on towers.

                      Dunno man, it's different for every game, but if you realize your teammates are incompetent you shouldn't blindly hope they will get shit right the next time, but rather do everything you can on your own.

                      I mean, the enemy's lategame was waaaay worse than yours, you should've won this easily if your team on whole played as well as theirs did but teamfight coordination does not exist in 1600 MMR.

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        you could have left the lane and jungle

                        casual gamer

                          almost certainly


                            i dont remember enigma getting me a 1 single black hole neither es did a one good ulty but neither i played good this game any way ty for info m8....