General Discussion

General DiscussionRegarding the Cookie's guide on how to climb out of 1k-2k

Regarding the Cookie's guide on how to climb out of 1k-2k in General Discussion
Om Anton Lari Maraton

    I don't know about you guys, but whenever i play ranked, it's almost instapick am, unless banned ofc. This been happening since cuki actually made a guide on how to climb from the shit tier mmr. Buuut... i think some people actually interpet the guide wrong. Like, i mean, if you want to climb as a carry, you don't have to spam am amirite? Or maybe i'm wrong? idk..

    And one more thing.. Since a split push type am is so common in my bracket right now, i am hoping some of you give me how to actually counter that shit. It's been kinda annoying these days when i see someone instapick am..


      Try spamming bristleback.


        you spam AM to learn him, then after 50 - 100 you should be so good with him that you should be able to easily outplay anybody in that bracket


          the guide didn't see that many viewers, 99.99...% of the playerbase never read or seen it

          Dire Wolf

            If people are insta picking AM you should rejoice. No one in 2k knows how to farm well and he sucks without farm. Just pick tb or sven or some other good farming hero and go kick his ass.


              for me i think sven screw anti mage on both team fight and split push but am 1k you dont need to take my words for sure lol


                I've been first picking AM in 2k way before cookie made his cult lol????


                  I can't maintain a high GPM like lot of others, and I'm still far better AM than any other AM picks in my bracket. every time i see an ally pick AM i know for fact that he will be afk jungling and will only splitpush after won teamfights. don't worry about it if there comes a time when an AM is splitpushing and you're not winning the teamfight, you deserve to lose the game

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                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    LOL Insta pick AM has been a thing from the ancient days

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