General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf Zeus

Nerf Zeus in General Discussion

    He is way too tanky compared to the amount of damage he deal. 2.6 strength gain, really? 300ms, cm has 270.

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      Zeus is also way to slow, also has no armor, and has no escape method.

      Take away what little tankiness he has, and what the hell is left over?


        all heroes got +0.5 str gain at 7.06 iirc


          If only there were ways to itemise against magic damage or to silence them.


            a 4k guy saying zeus is op and "tanky"???


              ^You can also buy veil, or eul's, force on Zeus. You can also buy a platemail against pa, everything in Dota has a counter. You can't justify only in itemization.


                Also Zeus agh's and his stun talent. Perman-stun with agh's refresher. Just check his win-rate.

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                  Why is this old grumpy man who deals infinite damage keep getting buffed? Where is my arc warden buff, he is a much cooler lightning guy.


                    I agree its retarded to see first hero in global winrate getting next buffs....same with necro holy this hero so strong all around and also get buff,and talk about str. gain?Look at wisp he is a strenge hero and have like half of zeus str.gain

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                      Because he is still comparatively squishy and his dmg doesnt scale incredibly.
                      He requires a lot of items with different functions, because the only thing his skills provide are damage. He needs some sort of mana item, a mobility item, maybe even a disable item situationally, and even more items for damage cuz his skillset still diminishes over time. Like if he needs damage he buys veil and aghs and refresher but then he lacks mana, he can go octarine shivas bloodstone and become tanky but then he is immobile, he can buy blink and force to be mobile but then he wouldn't be tanky, and thats not including all the other items he may need like ghost scepter and euls and lotus and aether lens and linkens etc
                      He also has kinda shit armor
                      He just cant be classified as tanky, he just isnt uber squishy
                      He is also slow as hell

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                      Pale Mannie

                        i only find it annoying that the enemy picks him all the time but i can deal with him well unless he has aghs. fuck that tanky ass low cd nimbus

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                          300ms is not slow, ok?


                            He also gets 7 armor at lvl 15, lc gets it at lvl20. At lvl15 he has +13 armor if he gets veil.


                              300 ms isnt fast
                              Also he has no ability that makes him survivable just some decent stat gain and shit.

                              Fee Too Pee

                                Pick viper or ta , they eat zeus

                                Maxxforce DT

                                  lmao Zeus and Necro OP.......... LOL just because you suck at dealing with him doesn't make him OP. Zeus can be easily Kited same as necro and any sort of high burst damage rapes them Both. SF, TA, CK, Lina, Lion, Viper. Or just buy a Hood LOL. Hell Ive seen players who hate zeus go hood on Shit like Spec, SF, TA and win. talking 4k here not 1k


                                    why tf wud kiting a zeus matter, he has good range


                                      No one said they op or we cannot deal with them


                                        Heh kiting Zues huh?:thinking: first time I'm reading this how exactly are you gonna kite Zues?:thinking:

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                                          This is because Zeus has garbage ms and low armour.

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            pick someone that destroys backliners like ursa or lifestealer. blink behind and eat zeus ez. ask someone to get a pipe and his damage will be underwhelming unless he's fed

                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                              Did OP seriously ask for an Arc Warden buff?

                                              Fucking kys.

                                              That hero is more cancer than Meepo/Tinker spammers.


                                                Zeus is pretty nerfed right now.. I prefer his old days, where his static field can cancel the initiator's blink dagger.. I am one of the Zeus users (see my highest play hero), still have a lot of trouble playing him at mid if enemies are fierce one or buy wand at early game (I am pretty sure fuck up).. Beside, magic dealers are so bad, where people can stack pipe to counter them or even buy 5 pipes!? Only his Nimbus is pretty good right now, making invi heroes the nightmare (free sentry every 35 sec why not?)

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                                                  Zeus is pretty nerfed ?

                                                  1st with highest win rate this mounth
                                                  2nd in 7.06d
                                                  1st in 7.06c
                                                  1st in 7.06b

                                                  are you blind?

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                                                    I miss the days of the corrosive skin kills from the other side of the map

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      his aghs + skilltree 0.5 stun is bullshit.


                                                        Highest winrate on pubs must be OP hero !!!!!!!


                                                          Imagine 0.5 sec stun cold snap, and each instance does 350 damage, how is that not op? All he needs is 10k gold and lvl20

                                                          meteor hammer

                                                            cold snap has a .57 second cooldown, bolt has a 4.5s cd. Nimbus has a 1.69 second cd

                                                            cold snap is applied once and continues working, bolt requires zeus stay much closer. nimbus only applies to the closest target and has a small aoe.

                                                            cold snap is not invoker's primary form of damage, bolt is for zeus

                                                            cold snap has a .05s cast time. bolt has a .4s cast time. nimbus can be cast once per fight and will only hit maybe twice unless put on top of a roar or chokepoint

                                                            invoker has max movespeed + slow with ghost, and is very fast with wex. he also has several soft disables that discourage chasing (tornado, icewall). zeus is locked at 300ms and has no mobility skill or disable of any kind. nimbus is completely stationary

                                                            so, yes. this is a high damage cold snap for 10k gold. assuming the target stays in the nimbus for 7 seconds, and doesn't have bkb manta or force. If anyone on the team spawns illusions, the nimbus is essentially worthless.