General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Sven properly?

How to play Sven properly? in General Discussion
I can feel the adrenaline

    Can you guys evaluate my recent sven matches and point out the mistakes I have done? I really like to get better in playing him.


      u hit creeps until u fat then destroy ancient
      go something like treads MoM sny blink bloodthorn
      mix in bkb if needed

      I can feel the adrenaline

        Well I usually do those stuff but I never went bloodthorn. Is bloodthorn really necessary?


          yes, better than Daedalus as a crit option and gives u pick off capability
          also the mana regen is soooo good


            i dont know just walk out with 3k hp in 20th min with one item that gives str and two shot everything


              as a 1k the only thing i can say specialy after doing the legendary cookie challenge that u have very very low LH you should have had double of that atleast :v
              more LH = more gold = better items = higher lvl = easier fights :v

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              Riguma Borusu

                You do not farm enough or farm efficiently enough. Maybe you go to the base too much or something. You need to farm a lot with Sven because hero is simply good at it. You have a built-in battlefury and the farming potential is huge even if you are just level 6 with treads and about to finish MoM. You farm until everyone else on the map is just weak compared to you. You keep your advantage, do not dive for stupid kills, especially if killing an unstacked ancient camp still gives you more gold and exp than that enemy crystal maiden that can still kill you if you stupidly use your stun.

                You are not a Slark who gets a shadowblade and shits on people until supports decide it is the time to buy wards. You are a farming machine. You are Sven. Play like Sven.

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                  Hit stuff n win I guess

                  I can feel the adrenaline

                    Well I really dont know how to farm efficiently since I go help my team and I also push at times. I really dont know when is the right time to farm lmao


                      never help in team fights early on unless you are 100% sure it will net you kills or the fight is important like fights over roshan , because otherwise you go in waster 2-3 min tp back to base have risk of dying so you can get 100-200 gold (1-2 creep waves)

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        ^He should try to fight with MoM + Blink whenever GS is ready, 100% kills are so rare.
                        After every fight you might not be Gucci for another one, but you can farm on the way home, making it more efficient.


                          yeah but until he got mom+blink/mom+sny he is just wasting his time

                          I can feel the adrenaline

                            Lmao Well at times I waste my time

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              Big fights don't happen often before you get MoM Blink, so if your teammate is ready to gank, ready to fight, you should really pressure the tower with GS ready(teammates standby behind) and ask for a fight even tho you don't have Blink yet. You don't want to save the good potential of 2s hammer stun and war cry armor until late game.
                              Kills also mean you can take towers and roshan safely, of course fighting near a tower or roshan would be optimum. Kills also cost enemies gold and it might not be just 1 or 2 kills.

                              Sven is not AM. You fight fight fight fight whenever GS is on. At least that's how I play Sven.




                                  farm and destroy the ancient.


                                    You don't have to fight w gs all the time. Just do something with GS. Like push a tower or farm a stack or take rosh early with your team.

                                    The real question is when to go Mom blink vs Mom sny.


                                      ^jacked now can u put the answer lol



                                        Use chatwhell=mute

                                          Git gut


                                            Is helm of the dominator still good on sven? like getting any neutral than can stun/disable

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