General Discussion

General Discussionguys i want to ask you about this item progression on core MK

guys i want to ask you about this item progression on core MK in General Discussion

    midas - tread - hood - diffusal - basher

    Dire Wolf

      I thought echo sabre was core on carry mk

      Bosnian Blade

        best item progression of all time

        Potato Marshal

          Doesn't anyone read patch notes anymore? Basher doesn't work with MK ult anymore.


            it doesn't but it is still ok as a general carry item

            Potato Marshal

              But you're neither laning nor building him as a carry, what kind of carry buys a random hood and no items worth more than 3k gold? You have zero attack speed items to warrant a basher.


                i've only had one core mk in our team that worked decently and he went phase-bf-vanguard-> some lategame shit. But i am not sure whether it was a decent pick and item progression, or we just steamrolled because the opposing team were in disarray.


                  I think roaming pos4 mk is best. Idk about full on core


                    Pretty sure phase > treads and you get echo deso afterwards


                      Potato Marshal

                        Phase is better for your ult, but treads would be interesting to try if you're building around jingu mastery instead.


                          Rapier dude, where tf is your rapier.


                            I wud argue sny isnt a bad pick, but i also think something like diffusal may be needed.
                            Maybe phase echo diffusal/deso bkb skadi