General Discussion

General DiscussionOn Disruptor

On Disruptor in General Discussion

    How did you play him? Except when there is early skirmishes (which kinetic field/glimpse becomes necessary), I usually go for thunder strike 1st then go 1-1-1, the rest is conditional (against mobile shit like AM, max glimpse with q for vision, max q for lane bully, offlane Disruptor lul)

    Starting item goes like cour 2 obs tango salve, the rest goes to clarity

    It usually feels like that even when you shit on your enemy in lane hard (ty q w), disruptor late game impact is only e r on teamfight spot/area deny, glimpse is more for follow up. Everything literally goes to your carry/mid. He can't do gamebreaking shit like rubick or wd

    Pls help


      Because not every hero is designed tp shine in the lategame

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        His W is gamebreaking enough, always 1-3-1-1 unless you need the damage.


          glimpse secures his lategame cuz he can basically set up a pickoff on anyone
          also static storm is a godlike ulti

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            People said that some heroes aren't designed to shine late game

            While I agree, I think disruptor actually do

            Static storm can be gamebreaking on right circumstances, it can literally disrupt the whole fight, making the enemies unable to act for so long, and especially with aghs against bkb, that is a serious threat

            Glimpse can be one of the most frustrating spells to play against, you can at quiet long range render enemies escaping null, and you can also disrupt their position, cage them into kinetic field, or simply keep out of the fight for quiet a bit

            Thunder strike is a blink canceller, early game it doesn't worth maxing over glimpse most of the time, late game it doesn't do nearly enough damage to be a nuke

            Non the less that a bkb canceller, for quite some time, from good range

            Disruptor is extremely item independent as i find out, his skills compliment each over and synergies, you dont need items for setup that badly like let's say Rubick

            And he is a lategame beast, he can easily orce bkb with glimpse and static storm, he can null initiation with thunder strike, and he can cage, disrupt and deal tones of damage with kinetic field, static storm and glimpse

            What bad in giving the kill to a carry, you are a disruptor, you setup the kills, you disrupt the enemies, he doesn't have kill potential, but he he need to? Kill is a kill, nvm to who it goes

            Usually I get thunder strike level 1,than max glimpse with kinetic field after, ult whenever possible (something at the lines of q w e w w r w e e talent e r q q talent q)


              disruptor's ultimate is so strong but its hard to land sometimes. if you get aghs on disruptor you can have very strong impact

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                rush aghs after glimmer/force


                  thunderstrike does a lot of dmg and glimpse has a lot of range so I think if ur zoning the offlaner a lot it can be good.


                    First of all, thank you for the inputs, all of you

                    He isn't early game monster like, say, CM or Lion anyway. He feels strong in midgame pre-bkb, I think...

                    By goes to carry/mid, I mean on teamfight impact, not kills. I agree who got the kill doesn't matter. Teamfight presence for disruptor is "only" kinetic field and static storm

                    At how many games you need and able to make agh on disruptor though? Between obs sentries arcane fs, I usually broke enough. Sometimes aether and glimmer came, but that's it

                    Is aiming for agh sometimes mandatory?


                      AGHS is good for him since it mutes items, also I usually max glimpse first when I use Disruptor.

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        Well you asked for late game, games that drags to the laye games usually would mean that you would be able to buy aghs

                        You say only like kinetic field+static storm is little, but that's gane breaking, especially late game on short bkb time
                        And what about glimpse? That's alone making fighting you really scary

                        You are broke as disruptor, what is the surprise? You don't have farming tools, unless you quad stack something and static storm it 3 times. But on the other hand, ylu really doesn't have core items, you are really independent, if you have money you buy usually utility, such as force stuff, but that because you have money and doesn't need ut to yourself

                        You are complaining about being broke as a 5th position with no farming tools

                        주 롄양

                          Forcing enemy to buy bkb and render it useless after got scepter


                            I didn't mean to complaint about broke pos 5 since it's natural. I mean, lets say at 40 mins game, the usual item I have as disruptor is arcane fs and maybe glimmer/aether

                            Since 40 mins usually "late" enough, should I have agh on this time mark?

                            Okay, I'll try to view him differently and try to make his skill as efficiently as it should be. Usually I only use static storm + kinetic at the clumping enemies at the start of the teamfights. Then bkb pops aaaaaand, thats it


                              glimpse is one of the strongest spells for disruptor. wat are u talking about


                                if you walk into a lane with glimpse lvl 1 and do nothing you're deserving a report

                                kinetic field on lvl2/3 is good but glimpse 2 on lvl 3 is also really good so sometimes you want to go like 1-2-0-0 at lvl 3

                                thunder strike lv1 is underrated imo

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                                  im the best disruptor player


                                    im looking forward to your mid disruptor in next battle cup
                                    too bad that im not here next weekend

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      please dont fucking max w every game in pubs


                                        mid disruoptor WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          Puppey is mid Disruptor god actually


                                            Thunderstrike is one of the best lvl 1 spells with 160 magic damage, that alone puts him in a good spot when zoning offlaners and clearing a stacked small camp, then u max glimpse cause its one of the best scaling skills, late game aghs destroys and lhaving a blink dager on top of it makes u a very scary pos 5

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                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                              Yea that a great level 1 harassing spell, that why i always get it in lvl 1,but it doesn't scale amazingly and you usually want to max glimpse first for the range, that's a scary ability to have

                                              Ans since that doesn't scale very amazingly, it isn't really worth maxing second because it is significantly less relevant in term of nuking at that point, so you'll usually max it last, after kinetic field

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