General Discussion

General DiscussionBoosted Account

Boosted Account in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I encounter this amazing player in this match, his name is Immortal.

    When I check his stats, he had 650+ avg gpm on his last 20 games with 6 rampages this week.

    When I checked his dotabuff, i notice that he started at normal skill 6 days ago as a timbersaw before his unbelievable winrate begins. He is currently at 62 wins with 8 losses, so it means he gained around 1350 mmr to this day.

    See his match history and see for yourself.

    Geez, whats the joy of dota when someone is climbing your mmr for you. And lets say he reach the 5k bracket, and the original owner now plays the account, the he plays ranked, RIP 5k mmr bracket coz there is a fake 5k player.

    P.S. His Urn of Shadows on QoP is very unorthodox but very effective.

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      Rofl i found a 800av gpm and 700 av gpm
      Da meepo
      Da necro

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      Magic Wand

        The joy is:
        Money and exp - booster
        Fake honor - customer


          I played vs a low 6k, meepo spammer.
          I pick a jungle tben see a 4th pick meepo and I click on the profile.
          Had like 10 rampages in the last 5 or 6 days.
          I tell my mid that the guy is boosting, and to not be stupid.
          I get a 5th pick mid huskar, I tell him play carefully don't feed him.
          Huskar responds with "muted"
          10 minutes later huskar is 0-6 and all chats gg end mid and goes afk


            i checked the meepo spammer bsj mentioned, he's not a booster

            he's 3k with a lot of meepo matches.

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            6k animal

              When I was in 1k I encountered someone named "mikasa" who spammed qop aswell. Now the mikasa account is at 5k or something. Though, when I added him, he said he was not boosting at all. He also was wrecking games daily and getting constant rampages. Very strange I guess lol

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              trying my best

                People ask me a lot of I'm a booster and I tell them no, which is true. I'm just a climbing 2.6k that is constantly studying Dota. So I guess just be careful about accusing someone of boosting. There are a lot of good players out there that aren't boosting.


                  I tell my mid that the guy is boosting, and to not be stupid.
                  I get a 5th pick mid huskar, I tell him play carefully don't feed him.

                  and you wonder why he mutes u

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    So I guess just be careful about accusing someone of boosting. There are a lot of good players out there that aren't boosting.

                    True. But a 90% winrate with absurd KDA, from NS to VHS in just 6 days is obviously boosted.

                    No worries:
                    The joy is:
                    Money and exp - booster
                    Fake honor - customer

                    Ofcourse, fake honor.


                      But maybe it's just some 5k guy who got a spare account, shitstomping noobs for fun

                      O A S I 5 is Back

                        So timbersaw is effective in 2k - 3k, then QoP in 3k/ hs to vhs. Hmmmmmmm..


                          Psst i tell ppl daily that i was boosting(only solo q game) when i am really not xD

                          all role player

                            lol someone says he is booster and pick mid invo, idk why i want this booster lost so i go feed as am.
                            but he can comeback it with refresher and i go lp
                            thanks for reading


                              there you have uit normal skill people download one of his timber matches and apply on your own games gg


                                one thing i noticed this guy buys sb on qop like the one booster i faced getting sb too on ta on all his matches

                                weird gonna watch one of his games


                                  Ah whatever, let him come to 5k. Looks like he plays on Aus servers which kind of sucks though.

                                  People think boosting will be good because they escape "the trench".

                                  [] He'll play a few games of ranked because "this MMR is where he belongs"
                                  [] He'll rage at his team for "letting him down" and playing badly
                                  [] After losing maybe 50-100 MMR, no longer will he play ranked because he realises he paid for boosting and doesn't want it to be wasted money
                                  [] He'll queue normal matches - however GabeN has him covered and he'll still be paired against 4500-5000 players because of his MMR
                                  [] End up losing most of his games, no doubt because of his garbage team
                                  [] In the end he'll have a shitty time losing most matches to better players on an account he can no longer play ranked on because it would end up as a waste of money

                                  I actually think I came across someone like this maybe a week or two ago...I played an unranked with my friend and we had someone who was probably one of the worst AND most toxic players I have ever come across and I have no doubts in my mind he was an account buyer or boosted.


                                  This guy has a 42% winrate on Australian servers and a 47% winrate overall.

                                  I don't know if he bought his account or had is boosted but surely there is no way someone with such a terrible winrate is climbing to 4k.

                                  I remember telling the team to mute him because he's an account buyer and mentioned his stats and he said that he played his ranked matches on SKorea servers with all his stats turned off because he didn't want people to know he played on the server. :thinking:

                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    Shinobu Oshino:
                                    one thing i noticed this guy buys sb on qop like the one booster i faced getting sb too on ta on all his matches
                                    weird gonna watch one of his games

                                    His item build on QoP is very unorthodox. Urn of Shadows on qop is useful i think but supports can buy it for you. SB / Silver Edge is strong but it can delay items QoP really needs (its a lot better than Dagon build though). Clearly his not from my mmr bracket, lol.

                                    But you know the saying, if it works, its not stupid


                                      He posted a link to the website he belongs to that boosts acc during the post game.


                                        i need to boost myself out of low prio also

                                        Lahai Roi

                                          Can people please post more boosters with recent games. I want to see how they actually play out the matches.


                                            Kinda triggers me that most boosters play mid
                                            Or maybe it's the time for me to learn mid 🤔
                                            Also check the sniper from my last razor game, definitely a booster

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                                     this is the guy, he only plays normal matches now and he is 5k dear lord i pray that he doesnt play ranked


                                              all the ta games played here was played by the booster weird though bc the booster played party too lol

                                              this was our game he just abused the fact we have low chance of catch and rat us the whole game


                                                maybe he ate something and suddenly started owning the game

                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                  [] He'll play a few games of ranked because "this MMR is where he belongs"
                                                  [] He'll rage at his team for "letting him down" and playing badly
                                                  [] After losing maybe 50-100 MMR, no longer will he play ranked because he realises he paid for boosting and doesn't want it to be wasted money
                                                  [] He'll queue normal matches - however GabeN has him covered and he'll still be paired against 4500-5000 players because of his MMR
                                                  [] End up losing most of his games, no doubt because of his garbage team
                                                  [] In the end he'll have a shitty time losing most matches to better players on an account he can no longer play ranked on because it would end up as a waste of money

                                                  >Easy Money.

                                                    lol the amount of unsubstantiated bullshit in this thread is overwhelming.

                                                    u gotta at least post dotabuffs/match IDs when referencing shit, and also, if u see someone with multiple rampages, rampages day after day. . .chances are they join a game with friends and they just all feed each other--i've seen it happen multiple times so peeps can pat their stats

                                                    >Easy Money.

                                                      yeah taht immortal is def not 4.2k. I'd say he's at least 7k+. good shit

                                                      also, i enjoy watching these kind of vids b/c u see how a 7k player takes advantage of our 4k scrub mistakes : ).

                                                      so imo, these are educational, thanks

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