General Discussion

General DiscussionBest flash farming / split pushing heroes that are in the current meta

Best flash farming / split pushing heroes that are in the current meta in General Discussion

    need to know the best flash farming / split pushing heroes at the moment to practise and ty in advance
    dunno why but i feel am soon gonna leave this 1k for ever for good *.*

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      Leave 1k soon but still plays pubs?

      doc joferlyn simp

        SF, people barely know how to pressure your laning and so you'll be ahead 1-2 items if you farm right. You can just kill everyone and push towers, rinse and repeat.


          bws i cameback to dota after 6months of offline had other thing on my life other then playing dota 24/7 when i cameback i had to see if my skills got rusty after that time and yea they did get rusty and i was getting them back into shape by the pub games till am ready to go in the potato ranked ship.


            Anti mage, np, naga. But since you are 1k chances are you aren't gonna play any of those heroes right :/


              Invoker is the best split pusher guys . Thanks me later


                @420 that's what am trying to figure out and yea about the NP part am deffinetly not going to play him right, dunno why but i always end up feeding when i play him either dying to enemy heroes endlessly or by the treants....


                  Antimage is easy what are you talking about he only have 2 skills!!!!


                    @bws yes he is easy if u manage to farm very efficent without getting killed when u do it....
                    NP in the other hand.......


                      np is op in 1k

                      phase midas shadowblade drums (the ultimate 100%confirmed legit bulldong build)


                      rush dagon 5 (if ure against something like terrorblade and u are offlane against him and u are dumpstering him)

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                        Dagon rush NP rofl

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Ember but he doesn't do towers
                          Lina with Bloodstone + Shadow Blade build
                          all of these needs BoT still

                          Lone Druid hmmm


                            literally any hero that can splitpush and farm works in 1k mmr


                              Sven Luna


                                Did you just say lina shadow blade?


                                  oh yea lina can flashfarm pretty well

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