General Discussion

General DiscussionQuality of Life improvements

Quality of Life improvements in General Discussion

    Some small, particular changes to Dota that I think will improve QOL by a great margin

    1. Allow purchasing dust to 1 instead of a pack of 2, increase price to 100 gold if required (same as sentries)
    2. Allow activating Templar Assassin trap over which the mouse is, or closest to, rather than closest to hero (similar to Techies mines)
    3. Introduce a new item made from Wraith band, since both Bracer and Null have options and Aquila seems like shit these days
    4. Improve the size of Commend and Report icons or place one at bottom and one at top (I confuse them most of the time)
    5. Allow camera control in Campaign: Siltbreaker to the default Dota style and not the Diablo-type shit (I'm sure most want this)


      1,2 and 4 are excellent , unfortunately if you want to be heard you have to post this on dota reddit because valve really don't give a fuck about our forum


        they need to do smething about lag


          automute junglers or just make it as another report category


            ^^ give this a guy a cookie he did earn it


              @arin agreed, junglers=4v6 and deserves a special category of punishment...

              I know I had a few more in mind but can't recall them... We've had several improvements in 7.0 alone like respawn boxes and attack projectile markers... Though I think it got too far with the stun bars, made even the worst and most disorganized team be able to chain stun and made the effort good players made meaningless...

              Being able to categorize Jugg's healing ward as controlled unit would be nice... I've also had issues controlling Brewmaster's brewlings (sometimes they just get deselected and don't respond) and Ancient Apparition's ultimate has some visual glitches when you initial cast and teleport...

              Anything else coming to mind?