General Discussion

General DiscussionLP Reset

LP Reset in General Discussion
Catsys Rivers

    I no longer have to do any low priority matches as it was reset. Is the key to beating low priority to simply not play for a few days?


      no the key is to not be bad and learn how to play support.


        Srsly tho.... they get removed every couple weeks or so... they also get removed with some patches... im an lp war veteran so I know what im talking about... if you get 5 lp games its easier to wait a couple days than actually play them

        Catsys Rivers

          I will have you know that my team often commends my supporting. It is the enemies I camp with arrows that report me.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            You must have trashtalked them hard lul

            Catsys Rivers

              I trash talk with the most powerful weapon at my disposal: my skillz. I have many a hater.