General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport thoughts

Support thoughts in General Discussion

    As a 2500 MMR noob and after playing ~500 games, support is the only role I like to play.

    Even though MMR is not a goal (#Edgy), when you play support, it's seems like your MMR depends 100% on your mid/safelane carry.

    Not to mention that in 2k MMR, people pick veno mid against SF, Sniper Safe lane first pick or LC jungle.

    Playing support in 2k is that dumb ?

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      No, keep supporting but if your team is sucking, it is safe to start building Deso, Dragon Lance and MKB on Witch Doctor in 2k.


        Play supports that can transition into carries if your cores are failing.
        If you roam and pick up the enemies bounties and make good rotations and get kills any game is winnable. I would recommend supports like silence / lina that only need 1/2 items to make an end game impact.


          Actually Venomancer mid is super cancer, especially vs Sf if pulled off well. Its a kill on Sf everytime someone come to help gank this guy. Sniper safe lane is also very strong this meta, unless you dont pick it first and have at least 1 strong frontliner like Axe/Cent.

          I would do what SaronMoran said. Silencer, Lina, Venomancer maybe.

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            Lol supporting is easy mmr what are you talking about


              So ... u like getting carried?


                exactly. I like it when I supp like a boss.

                I will try Silencer/Lina


                  scaling supports like skywrath lina silencer


                    if you were to put a 6-10k player into 2k

                    no matter what role he'd play, he'd still win 9/10 games..

                    including support


                      It's stupid if you know that if all you can do is to save their asses in danger.

                      dont pick selfless supports. pick greedy supports because most of the time people here in two K are inefficient in farming (i.e leaving the lane while setting up for a gank)

                      win the lane by shoving the enemy out of his lane and probably killing him. UD, VS, Weaver SB are good they are aggressive in lane can shut down most ppl in our bracket.
                      FOR reference TRY WATCHING SING SING he is a GOD when playing greedy/roam supports. (just filter what you learn from him i.e 4 bracers on veno)

                      last reminder is that your power spike is laning phase to early mid so if possible seize the opportunity to push the limits of your advantage.


                        I've climb mmr playing support you need to learn about coordinating with team without saying a single word in chat


                          How about riki or bounty hunter? they always have a jungler at 2k mmr games right? Since shrine is on cooldown at start of the game, wouldnt it be great if you would roam in their jungle and leech xp/kill their jungler?


                            actually "without saying a single word in chat" is a bit exaggerated there's 2 types of coordination


                              there's a guides on youtube (goodboi and bowie) that annalys 2-3k games..2k is actually an average mmr standard so u are doing fine,but it's your other teamates especially ur midlaner and carry in 2k is the core to winning the game,you need to learn to work with them and as a good supporter filling the gap they're lacking..i do agree that it's not imposible to climb mmr by playing support,as i done it before in my other id :)


                                I've gone from 2.8k to 4.7 k playing offlane, pos 4 roam or pos 5-23 support (poverty style)

                                You can climb, as a support but expect it to take longer then if you were core.

                                Core: A core player with a good gold advantage can Solo carry a team to victory by out playing/ farming. Take objectives and win game.
                                Cores are what they are because the scaling with gold and items. As many have stated , if your supporting make sure your core gets lots of money. Win!!!!

                                Supporting: Well no one see's a distuptor soloing 4 heros so you won't have the same impact and thus cannot directly influence the game as much (1v5) You however indirectly change the game with proper warding, zoning offlaner stacks etc.

                                Basically you've heard it all before. Great supports to spam? WD can be amazing with aghs , Lina, veno is nice depending on who the offlaner is. Disuptor

                                Go get em


                                  I'ill give it a try, thanks

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                                    No idea what you're talking about