General Discussion

General DiscussionSome dumb marcro-game questions

Some dumb marcro-game questions in General Discussion

    Both situation implying u are playing some random pos 5 hero

    Situation A

    It's 30-40 min in, ur carry has aegis and u go 5 down enemy mid, ready to siege their mid t3
    But suddenly u notice that enemy anti-mage is solo-pushing your, for example, top t3
    How to make the correct decision and what does it depend on?

    Situation B

    It's ~5-7 min in, all lanes are losing hard but your safe lane is like fine, ur carry has 0 deaths but enemy ganks other lanes hard and u think that if u leave ur carry alone, they ll gank him for sure. Should you try to help other lanes in this situation?


      Situation A

      If the remaining 4 enemy heroes have weak teamfights and your line up have good tower hitters then just push the lane and possibly be able to kill some of the enemy and they will end up fighting you guys 3 vs 5 with am tping back. If not fall back and def.

      Situation B

      If your safelane is fine then you should go help the other lanes. Your carry can get solo farm. Place a ward on the lane so you see enemy tps to tower. Besides, your carry probably have some decent item to just run back to the tower with your allies tps if ganked