General Discussion

General Discussion+HP/Armor/Magic Resist/MS vs +Dmg

+HP/Armor/Magic Resist/MS vs +Dmg in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Why do I have a feeling that tankiness or movement speed is generally more worth it in almost every case, despite having a lower winrate? Pros seem to get tankiness a lot even in the games they are winning, too.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      In the way of talents or items? You generally want a good mix of both, but adapting depending on your team/the enemy team is always a very good thing to do.

      Riguma Borusu

        I meant talents.


          The H P plus talents are generally very good , I used to lycan before jungle became garbage, but the +HP would always help me get a kill and get out alive, the extra damage was pretty worthless imo.

          Dire Wolf

            It very much depends on the hero. Like DK has a 30 attack speed vs 10 strength, I would never take the strength one because he has plenty of tankiness built in.

            Sniper is another, I would never take the shrapnel dps one over 200 hp. The dps from sharpnel is irrelevant at level 15, it's like one extra auto attack.

            Spectre 5 armor vs 20 dmg is a hard one, so are all of juggernauts choices except for 20 agility.