General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Juggernaut

How to play Juggernaut in General Discussion

    I can't seem to win with this hero, at all. When I do win, it's me getting carried hard. It feels like the hero relies on having a huge lead on the enemy but dies to any carry as farmed as him, mostly because other than spin and manta, you get locked down hard. Are there any high MMR replays I could see to learn the hero, or if anyone could link me to decent guides about playing him? My problem mostly seems to be itemisation and mid-late game. If I win on the hero, it's mostly because my team grouped up as 5 and pushed with healing ward.

    casual gamer

      healign ward is amazing and using it properly is an integral part to playing juggernaut

      all role player

        try mjolnir it increase your farm speed and make omnislash deadly


          you need to harass your enemy in lane giving you more space to farm. if ur having a hard time in safelane ask a support for help


            It's how bad the fights go that's the problem. I usually don't have too much problem recovering from bad lanes, or converting good lanes to fast t1 pushes with healing ward. It's what to do when you have manta diffusal blnk up and you're trying to fight the enemy on even terms. Feels like im absolutely useless in fights and picking Naix/Sven/PA would be 10x better


              Only fully commit to fights when you have omnislash and spin tp ready, otherwise just split push as you would with am.

              Player 153433446

                ^^true...from a low mmr player but true


                  You shouldn't be on even terms.

                  You should have outfarmed the enemy team so badly that you went 10/0 by at least 20 mins.

                  ♛ O Excomungado

                    Early game = LH.
                    If your lane is too risk buy an iron talon ang leave the lane. Go jungle.

                    Mid-game you must split (creep cutting) and carry a TP, just stop farming to kill someone that you know he is alone and you can kill with your ultimate as fast as you can. Return to your split. If your enemy have a legion commander searching for you (4ex), stay at jungle farming. If you see her in a lane return to split. If the enemy have a pusher (tinker for example), farm at jungle and wait him to show off.

                    Win the game.


                      I checked some Moogy and tmt replays and yea, healing ward usage is very important


                        I used to play support in normal skill..then I started this acc with high first couple of I play support in very high low mmr people pick less lockdown heroes...abuse that with your spin and always carry tps... And make sure to play according your build...personaly i play high as team fight hero with phase,aquila,manta,diffusal,absyl...

                        all role player

                          why people buy diffu on jugg i dont understand. i think basher is more worth than diffusal. piercing is enough for 1 hero. and mjolnir make u hit more than 1 hero.
                          ofc u buy maelstrom and basher before finishing mjolnir

                          Farm then Carry

                            ^diffu's slow helps him catch up to enemies and pairs well with his manta (and i think it procs in omni but idk)

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                              juggernaut so friggin difficult to play. he's sub 50 winrate. theres too many ways to play him. i feel like bladefury is the easiest spell to use wrongly in fights.

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