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Beater Griffin

    I will join a Dota Team to take the game more serious.
    Is there somewhere a chance to join one?
    Where can i find one around 3k mmr?


      why do you want to start competitive when you're only 3k?

      Beater Griffin

        Well i will learn more and i think if i take this game with a team i get better.

        Beater Griffin

          And i think its fun to play in a team


            i wouldn't recommend anyone to join a team without at least 6-7k mmr

            if you want to take the game serious then work on your own mmr first


              can i join ur team

              disgusting weebs

                like i kow were supposed to makwe fun of 2ks searching for a team and whatnot

                but why is that laughable i mean there are 2/3/4k cups and leagues/tournaments if u just want to feel like ure playing esports while being terrible who is to stop u

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  It takes a LONG time to find a team or make a new one.

                  So just be patient. Especially since your bracket is a little funky with teams.

                  A little of my history and example of why it is hard to form a team:
                  I'm just 4k right now, and most of the friends I have made over my time in Dota suck. Most of the players I played with in 2014 are currently 2k at best (with a small handful at 3k [out of like 100 players] and an even smaller amount [like literally 3 others] that hit 4k as well.)

                  Unlike most of my old 2k friends, I strived, and truly wanted to be better and on the top. I was honest with myself, and got even more honest when I hit 4001mmr and then tanked down to 3.8 and was stuck for a few months. That really helped me grow.

                  If you want to get serious, truly analyze games. Study from high mmr players (not the pro scene but high mmr games). Focus on what you can improve on. Focus on you, not your peers. Especially not in 2k since most players have the very basics down, but don't really know wtf is going on half the time.

                  Anyway, out of all the friends I have made, I started meeting better players when I was 3k, and partied with them a bit, and now that my solo is 4k, after the new party mmr update, I just can't play with my 3k friends in ranked anymore since they can't handle 4.5k average games. Sometimes, I will take a gamble, and just mute everyone.

                  But there are players I give a chance and they just get shat on or do stupid shit in ranked games. I get a little upset, but I don't delete them since they are fun people, and it's nice to compare, track, and keep progress of other players and of course to chat with them.

                  Out of the many players I have come across over the years, I only put trust 3 players so far. And these 3 players, when I party with them (as a 2 stack) we dominate. And if we add a 3rd player or join a 5 stack, the 3rd or other 3 do not keep up.

                  I easily have a 60% winrate with these 3 players. But they are never on at the same time, but if all 3 were, it would only be 4 of us.

                  You need 5 to make a team.

                  May be if I find one more player like that, I will be in a team.

                  Holy shit I typed a lot.

                  Long story-short: I have been through mmr hell, worked my ass off, did better and improved more than most of my peers, and only 100% trust 3 players out hundreds I have come across and partied with over a little over 3 years.

                  It takes time.

                  I remember my first 1000 or so games, I was around mid 2k and thought I was ready for a team. I look back on it, and holy shit. It's like looking back on when you were a dumb 19 year old. lol

                  Just have fun, and do your best, and don't let dbuffians discourage you.

                  When I was stuck in 2.9 I was told I would never make 4k or even see 3k, and over time, I proved these little meme monkies wrong. :highfive:

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    make tem with me and spunkki

                    Beater Griffin

                      Nice post dude, i think i need to train harder and will analyze some games. Thx anyway


                        Cat Chan literally said my thoughts exactly. Everyone I've added over the last almost 2 years didn't improve as fast as I did. except the person who introduced me to the game. All the decent people I play with have actually been added in the last few months. I've only ever stuck to 2 and 3 stacks as it is impossible to get 5 people online at the same time.


                          ^ true for me too I only know 2 people that are very close to me that is good, 1 is a 5k and the other is 4k evryone else is below 3k especially my cousins that I frequently play with in party rank. Heck I even personally know someone who have mmr below 1k and the other have 2k mmr solo and 4k party mmr this is an odd one.

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            You don't necessarily learn much from grinding soloqueue compared to 5 man premades. You seem guys to think playing with a team is going for TI, but it can still be playing on ladder. Watching progames and doing 5man premades with similar skilled players will teach you way way more than random pub games.

                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                              I agree with the above statement the lack of communication on solo queue and amount of tilt minimizes learning experience. when in party I can be instructed by people that may know better and communicate far more effectively. I most definitely recommend stacking with people whether you find a team or not. I'd offer but OP plays on eu west while I'm on US EAST.