General Discussion

General Discussionrod of atos on str cores?

rod of atos on str cores? in General Discussion

    The new build up seems good for str heroes now. but any opinions on building the item on str cores as a sort of core item? Root mechanic seems OP for catching most evasive targets and the int bonuses it gives solves most mana issues most str heroes have.


      I feel like it's pretty legit on str heroes like phoenix, but other than that there are better items you can get that will help you and your team out greatly.


        i cant find any core that would build it.. i mean every str core need different starting item that would give him survavibility or faster farming


          dk is pretty fine to start with bracer i think, but drums is much better on him than atos i think

          Potato Marshal

            At most, I would get it on a pos 3 str hero, like offlane phoenix, underlord, or even tide.

            Ramtin H

              I think the only carry hero who can use rod is ck u can build it instead of armlet cause 2 bracer = huge stats other wise many heroes can build this as a utility item like bh,lich,underlord,treant,...


                armlet still gives more for a ck i think

                Bosnian Blade



                    pudge ez hook or a mid sky

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      I don't play poodge at all, but definitely a great build on the chubby man.


                        its also good on doom

                        Riguma Borusu

                          this item is serious cancer on pudge, not only do you get assured hooks if used correctly, but it can also basically extend your ult by 2 seconds, which is incredibly hard to deal with if you are caught in the first place.

                          But heroes like AM, Ember and Storm are suddenly weak to pudge if he buys this item, even if they had ways to escape him earlier.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            AM, Ember, and Storm ARE weak to Pudge even without Atos what are you talking about


                              Just pudge-ing


                                Luna mate


                                  Earthshaker after blink since people dont know what to buy and just go aghs cuz its fun ULU
                                  maybe undying for some lockdown and basically his very flexible item build where he can get literally anything
                                  Same thing applies to abaddon since you really dont know what to get and the hero has no lockdown and it guves him some int too in addition to tankiness
                                  maybe eldertitan and tusk too since they are also very flexible and it offers everything they might need...
                                  I feel the item is the offlaners echosabre when it first came out

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                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    AM, Ember, and Storm ARE weak to Pudge even without Atos what are you talking about

                                    You can always blink/remnant/ball out of the hook because of the cast time for dismember. If you are Atos'd, you can't use your mobility spells so you're screwed.

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                                      You can always blink/remnant/ball out of the hook because of the cast time for dismember. If you are Atos'd, you can't use your mobility spells so you're screwed.





                                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                          ^was about to point this out, it's almost always good for str supports but what about str cores?


                                            "You can always blink/remnant/ball out of the hook because of the cast time for dismember."
                                            Yeah, but blink/ball have cast times also. Also if you blink/ball without turning first you might just put yourself in the middle of their team


                                              blink has a longer one but balls is very short
                                              if u ball into the middle of their team u ball away again


                                                Dismember also has a 'short' cast time so I don't see your point. Hypothetically you'll get dismembered as storm 50% of the time and most every time if you try to turn around


                                                  dismember has a long cast time


                                                    basically what you've all been saying. With the new root works ( Which i like IMO) it has become nearly a must have in most games. Huge cast range, great build up and stats and it basically fucks over so many mobility heros. Not only does it screw your standard storms , embers , it stops SK borrow ( I THINK??? I could be wrong)

                                                    amazing item

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      Think of it like this. Pudge has a force-movement skill nuke that goes through magic immunity, a BKB-piercing, 3-second stun ult on a relatively short CD (20 secs), an area slow, and just general tankiness that allows him to go around the fight but not in the middle of it. On paper he is the ultimate position-denying hero.

                                                      Being just Pudge, he is already strong against escape heroes, NATURALLY strong against them. That's what he does, what he's supposed to do. Now I agree on the value of a Rod of Atos pick up, because with Lens the range becomes ridiculous and sets up ez hooks. What I don't agree with is the part where you say "suddenly weak against Pudge", as if Pudge wasn't effective against them pre-Atos.


                                                        ^but he isn't, their evasive enough to dodge hooks and even escape after hooked
                                                        displacement doesn't matter against extremely mobile targets


                                                          "dismember has a long cast time"
                                                          Gamepedia has ball and dismember both at .3 seconds though. hmmmmmm :thinking:

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            We can't account for skill, so all we can do is think of dream scenarios. Blink + Dismember is still the best just because of the surprise factor, and since it can be bought by Pudge before enemies get Lotus/Linken's.

                                                            Honestly I don't know how you can't see how Pudge is naturally strong against evasive heroes. Just think of other disablers, they don't offer nearly enough the single-target lockdown that Pudge has on such short CDs.

                                                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                              Thread is officially derailed. Get me out BabyRage


                                                                Pudge is better at abusing immobile targets rather than catching mobile ones


                                                                  Also i think the build up isnt to suit strength cores but rather to make it easier for supports to transition into atos


                                                                    Nobody shift queues dismember as soon as he lands the hook to prevent escape heroes to escape anyway
                                                                    Not that people land hooks in the first place tho


                                                                      You're not supposed to shift queue it. Shift queue makes it slower. You just hook+rot then after that you spam Dismember on them

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        shift queueing actions after skills means u cannot cancel backswings. if u want to see this. shift queue laser into blink, then instead cast laser and blink manually. u will see what i am saying


                                                                          Its insane on Pudge. It is also really good on silencer since it gives a ton of int. Basically anyone that benefits from roots or heavy stats.