General Discussion

General DiscussionLow priority

Low priority in General Discussion

    Don't bother wasting your reports for people in low priority. It simply does not work. I've received dozens of reports yet only needed 5 wins. Now I'm out of lp and no more lp??

    Why am I receiving reports in Lp u may ask? Cause I feed divines.

    Yeah I purchase an in game item that is meant to be bought. If youre gonna report someone report them for feeding couriers or normal feeding. Reporting for feeding divines is stupid, if you don't want the enemy to have rapier then take it away from them. You'll get a free +330 dmg.

    P.S Not trolling.

    Let me feed divines in peace, it amuses me when someone has a rapier within 20 minutes.






          feeding divine is 12000 networth swing and feeding courier is less than 1000 networth swing so yeah you deserve to be reported

          ~~Yeah I purchase an in game item that is meant to be bought.~~
          guess what , courier and gems surprisingly are also items that are meant to be bought and yet you deserve a report when you feed them

          P.S. you are trolling


            Except you have to wait 2 minutes and 40 seconds for courier to be back, but gems and rapiers cant be sold and will always stay on the map, and like I said if you want your gem/rapier back go kill the enemy. That's why smokes of deceit were created. I honestly would rather have 1 jungler on my team just farming a 20 min rapier and feeding it rather than them actually feeding couriers.
            Feeding divines is the pinnacle of trolling. There is just no other form of trolling that can match it, because its mutually beneficial for everyone.



              Potato Marshal

                I can see why you get reported a lot



                  rushing devine, then losing is is feeding a devine, it's like rushing refreshers on warlock before aghs, you need other items


                    'Don't bother wasting your reports for people in low priority.'
                    Kinda true, it just doesnt do as much, like 1/100th.
                    But people will still do it, just like they do when they scan RS pit, no one listens...
                    Told my team 15 times once, didnt listen they scanned RS pit everytime scan was up. (and Ursa)


                      wtf refresher is far better on warlock than aghs wtf u talking about


                        it makes sense to scan rosh pit