General Discussion

General DiscussionKunka support ? Meme support ?

Kunka support ? Meme support ? in General Discussion

    Do you think Kunka support is a good pick ?

    If yes, which items for him ?

    Riguma Borusu

      Roaming support kunkkas can still build damage like riki does, I remember seeing a game in one of the majors where a SUPPORT kunkka bought a fucking blood thorn.

      Potato Marshal

        It's kind of weak as a support unless you're tri-laning or have someone with high burst damage early like Jugg or Ursa. They really nerfed torrent damage to shit.

        Riguma Borusu

          X marks the spot is still one of the most dangerous lvl 1 skills in the game.

          Dire Wolf

            in the right lineups he's very good cus x marks the spot can be combo'd to guarantee kills. X into other cc you have to land, like X into a bloodseeker silence just for example. Also kunkka scales really nicely into late game with tidebringer. You'll get utility items to start, blink, maybe urn or drums or something, but you will eventually build daedulus and do a lot of dmg for a support just with that.


              Reduced Torrent total damage from 120/180/240/300 to 75/150/225/300.

              Increased Torrent cooldown from 10 on each level to 16/14/12/10.

              valve literally destroyed kunka's Torrent

              Этот комментарий был изменён
              Catsys Rivers

                X Mark is far scarier than Torrent to me. Drum, Atos, Euls, Veil, Pipe and Aether are what I have seen support players build on him.


                  what else is kunkka even supposed to be if not support


                    He can be a strong semi carry in 2k pubs.

                    But I think the only good thing with kunka is his late game impact.


                      brain cells missing^


                        Seriously, X is basically like disruptors glimpse.

                        Agaisnt mobile offlaners (DS, phenix) its an ez kill witha stun following the torrent.


                          There's nobody playing kunkka way seriously as core, except for Attacker, in professional scene and most of the pub tiers plays kunkka as support.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Attacker gets away with it because he is just that good at the hero. You could spam Io carry to a similar extent if you were really so stupidly good at it, that doesn't make it wise.


                              as a support kunkka, from what I can see, you either go full torrent and x max for lots of control, or u take value points in them and max tidebringer.
                              if u don't have enough control/lockdown, have enough damage, or need x to counter certain escapes, then u max x and torrent.
                              if u do have a lot of lockdown, or ur team lacks damage, or x isn't needed, then max tidebringer.
                              if ur going the first path u start out buying utility items, if ur maxing tidebringer u usually buy mostly dmg, like armlet and shit.
                              however, even as a utility kunkka, going into the lategame a damage item like Daedalus or bloodthorn will be necessary, and even as tidebringer max support kunkka u may still need to buy a utility item.
                              I buy stuff like euls, aether, greaves, pipe, glimmer, vlads, drums, urn, and occasionally veil.

                              disgusting weebs

                                who the fuck maxes w 1st as a support kunkka are u fucking retarded

                                disgusting weebs

                                  oh wait u are


                                    Atos and halberd are good items on kunkka i think.


                                      my dude, ive seen it before, I think purge did it
                                      if u actually looked at my games u wud see Ive never done it myself on support kunkka


                                        Beautiful hero with high skill cap,definitely recommend this hero to learn 100% worth,after you mastering him you would carry a lot of games from pos 3,4 or have huge impact, he is super strong but not after 10 games on him he can dominate all games,dictate temp,lead team,make a huge playes, is just the hero to be mvp in right hands.

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                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Pros have maxed tidebringer on support kunkka back when torrent was a value point so tidebringer would add way more damage into the mix.

                                          So I guess you believe pros are retarded.

                                          all role player

                                            well if ur team have utility and no damage u must max w 1st as kunkka i think... supp is to fulfill what team need the most.


                                              Bad..... was good a couple patches before tho


                                                you can easily manta-dodge x-mark though

                                                and yeah, even i can win games with kunkka supp without being good at the hero, its so good.

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                Catsys Rivers

                                                  Maxing Tidebringer offers more impact damage than Torrent in a team fight. Torrent lands on maybe 1-2 enemies while the Tidebringer aoe often hits all 5 enemy heroes; therefore his hero damage towards the entire enemy team rises more significantly. It is also his 'catch up' skill after lane phase while he is still behind, and costs no mana to use, so it makes sense to max that or X Mark first and second. It is also his pushing skill.


                                                    the normal skill stupidity in this thread hurts my brain

                                                    Catsys Rivers

                                                      85 damage increase applied to 5 heroes on 4 second cool down versus 300 damage applied to 1 hero on a 10 second cool down.

                                                      That is, of course, completely without factored in items, talents, or even stat gain at this point. You could make a similar case to Tinker's Rockets and Laser. Which do you max first? I really don't know, but it seems like most people prefer to max the best version of their team fight skills first and foremost. I don't understand how logic isn't applied here practically.


                                                        u max rocket first most of the time fyi

                                                        disgusting weebs

                                                          back when torrent was a value point

                                                          back when torrent was a value point

                                                          back when torrent was a value point

                                                          back when torrent was a value point

                                                          back when torrent was a value point

                                                          back when torrent was a value point


                                                          if u are gonna max tidebrinder and then walk around with 16s cd 100 dmg torrent and 600 range x 20-ish cd x for eternity u are retarded no matter ur mmr

                                                          Catsys Rivers

                                                            Why specifically is it retarded though? All you need is one pick off to typically push a tower over. Tidebringer is your team fight and tower push skill. Why would you not max it first?

                                                            Even higher level mmr players do it.

                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                            Bill Cutting

                                                                kunkka is legit as a core if you have absolute mastery over him
                                                                kunkka support is usually paired with a midlaner/safelaner that can set up torrent combo during early levels.
                                                                strong team fight/ laning phase (if played with the right comboes)
                                                                aether lens is pretty much your bread and butter for support kunkka.


                                                                  it's proven that kunkka is a viable pick as a support in the pro scene depending on the current meta..That lvl25 torrent talent is pretty legit xD

                                                                  Kenny Dope

                                                                    I like playing kunkka support if theres stunner teammate so I have help in set up aside from X

                                                                    all role player

                                                                      who is that revo guys so retarded kunkka supp only 50%wr ? what a waste of time.

                                                                      kunkka supp sound good doesnt work <trump voice>