General Discussion

General DiscussionFuture New Heroes on DOTES

Future New Heroes on DOTES in General Discussion

    Are they gonna make new heroes for DOTA 2? If they do can we trust these heroes I mean look at MK and his retarded NERFS.


      Yeah man mk is unplayable now . gG

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        wtf? MK rules. Just don't play him as a pos4 lol


          I'm just really concerned that maybe they will release a new hero and then it's gonna get nerfed to oblivion. Also do you guys think it will be so soon the next release of a new hero or maybe after 5 years?


            well its like any hero. THey nerf it and work it back into the meta later. SOmetimes It is just hard to deal with.


              I just wish some interesting patch will be released before ti,i wish to see new hero as well but thats not gonna happend, new items would be great.

              Optimus Drip

                Maybe after ti. I want a turret hero like vulcan from smite.