General Discussion


CU____UKIE AND HIS BELOW 700AVG GOLD QUEST in General Discussion

    for love of god how can u people simply do it, ok my last anti mage game i had 600GPM AVG and i had like free farm most of the time in lane (scenario 4 of his guide) still cant hit that 700GPM AVG.....

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    TheDoctor (HTPG)

      Git Gud
      ( Sorry man can't help it xD)
      ask our sifu @cookie

      Pronocol | Røhd Tu Tåpp Wåhn

        700 isnt that hard to hit on am, u can get destroyed in lane and still get 700


          but how i didnt get destroyed in lane but still cant hit that 700GPM ._____.


            your farming patterns are shit


              Don't afk jungle, push the creep wave as much as you can and kill jungle camps inbetween
              Or send your manta illusions to push the wave while you jungle

     (CK bane lane destroyed me)
     (axe disruptor lane destroyed me)

              Both those games i got rekt inlane but like 10-15 minutes of farming and 1 won teamfight and i pretty much ended the game or took atleast 1 lane of racks

              casual gamer

                700s nothign on am though


                  ok what would be the best farm pattern for radient / dire i lattery, have no idea how to go jungle the lane and keep on rotate without missing a single creep or leaving it to go to waste by my own creeps


                    they cheated


                      I just kill the creep wave, then go to the nearest creep camp then back to the wave.
                      If i see most of the enemies on another part of the map i'll keep pushing the tower or go fight with my team if i think we can win it without any of us dying


                        @OP, I doubt you even read his guide. You see that hero patterns part of his guide? Maybe you thought taht wasn't important or some shit. You do those patterns 3 or 4 games and you just automatically realize how to get a large amount of gold just from creeps


                          have you completed the 750 LH challenge with antimage?

                          anyone who can get 750-800 in 30 minutes in a lobby(consistently) will find no trouble with having a simple 700 gpm avg in low mmr.

                          especially with the epitome of farm... MANGINA




                              any tips on getting 800 cs in 30 min ? im not getting my farming patterns correctly, should i go back to studying/planning the shit ? It feels like im wasting 30 min of my time only to hit 650 at best. Btw keep it up Cookie, this challenges are real good stuff to practice.

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                                Use hax

                                all role player

                                  have u try to uninstall and install again?


                                    Yea im also having trouble hitting 600lh in 30 min as lycan, always getting 400-450 lh, any tips?


                                      if you have less than 600 gpm average as anti mage (including games you lost) you shouldn't pick him anymore, seriously.

                                      Manta minute 27 ? you have some serious farming issues

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                                        eFFiCiEnT fArMiNg wOw


                                          Seriously tho stop fuckin worrying about "w0w 15 cspm f4rm1ng!!!"


                                            gaben i read his guide multiple time i followed his steps still cant get 700GPM not even in bot match (unfair) i was able to hit 80LH in 10minut i could do it without bots but even against a solo bb i tend to lose LH


                                              420 i bough vladmir before that manta also yes i know i have farming issue m8 that's why i started this topic...


                                                Need more than 10cs/Min and get some kills no death


                                                  jacked any advice about how to get 10cs/min on lane without getting my ass killed ? cuz u know antimage is very much a paper with blink early game and if i get stunned am most likely dead to a good offlaner, 10cs/min seems possible to me only thro very hard hitter like sven :(


                                                    Bounce between the jungle and lanes, clear the jungle, cut creep waves, don't push where you don't have vision if you don't know where enemies are, keep an eye on the map and keep a tp incase you need to escape a gank/join a fight, ulti enemies with the highest mana pool AFTER they use high mana skills, and watch pro anti mage games. He's quite easy to master.


                                                      Even if u get cucked in lane u can easily accelerate your farm mid game with battlefury. >10cs/Min usually happens outside of the laning stage. U have no excuse if your team is winning and you have good map control, or hope that enemy team has no catch so u can farm everywhere freely, or your opponents are 1k.


                                                        okey i get it but the thing is i see pros farm between jungle and lane without burning any hp when i do it i lattery lose 75% hp how can they do it simply with a treads ? i dont get it neither i get the tread switch part guys cmon am tryhard 1k player u have to help me :3


                                                          Stop worrying about farming super efficiently and you'll become a better carry player
                                                          Kicking the offlaner out of your lane matters
                                                          Forcing rotations to your lane matters
                                                          Map awareness matters
                                                          Positioning matters
                                                          Utilizing your gold advantage to the limit matters
                                                          Punishing their mistake matters
                                                          Making them chasing your ass everywhere in the map but to no success matters
                                                          Not dying and feeding 1k gold matters
                                                          Itemization matters
                                                          Knowing your powerspike and the enemy team's matters
                                                          Noticing downtimes matters
                                                          Stop worrying about efficiency farming because that shit is so easy, you can learn that shit from short period of practice or replay analysis
                                                          Please, don't narrow down your mindset

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                                                            Do what cookie said then play a game then see your gpm


                                                              bwsj but all what matter to rise from 1k all the way up to 3k is to be efficient at farm :( that's what i been told at least
                                                              fx am trying believe me trying really hard....


                                                                Do the cookie quest and you will have no problem. Or you can just pick luna like me


                                                                  Fx without farm is still a 1.2k player


                                                                      am doing cookie quest trying hard hope i get it right as soon as possible i really want to leave 1k hell.....
                                                                      also can u tell me how to clear camps without burning all my hp early on (if i get very hard lane jungle should be my way to go)


                                                                        Analyze high mmr replays


                                                                          well if u start jungling the hard camp at lvl 4 you're gonna lose a lot of hp..
                                                                          you need treads, pms, ROH, and a few more levels. if u anticipate having to jungle really early then u just get a headdress


                                                                            jacked can u assign a map link with all the hard / mid camps ? sorry for being annoying lol


                                                                              I shift queue to do homework to get out of 1k doto lul.


                                                                                If you do play am mid(only advisable vs low armor/Melee mids(nod you don't have a jungler)) the most important part is zoning in the early levels(get mana burn then blink and harass them till they can't contest the lane(get heavy regen and get ring of health before boots some games) since the shrines only come online at min 5 they will either have to force a rotation, go back to fountain or stay passive. This helps you dominate all the last hits for about 5 mins until you have treads and then swap between the lane and the jungle and pressure towers. A friend of mine has been doing this consistently in 3k bracket and winning tons of games, so it should work in 1k(don't be afraid to faerie out a salve and keep harassing the enemy mid)


                                                                                  bwsj be real, you're seriously expecting someone without mechanical knowledge to be able to analyse efficiently.

                                                                                  tn_rmili, if you want to do it then do it the same way i did:

                                                                                  grab a spredsheet/notebook and a calculator and start calculating

                                                                                  instead of hoping to find random patterns, calculate how much gold/exp you get from each camp/creepwave, how long does it take you to farm it, how long does it take you to get from place X to place Y, what is the most efficient build required to add those extra creeps to the current pattern, creepwave position on the map at any given time

                                                                                  and more things.

                                                                                  and once you've done that all then making patterns will be easy.


                                                                                    tell u what i guess am happy with 1k me and maths never been a friends.....


                                                                                      Psst play luna like me
                                                                                      Braindead hero


                                                                                        Luna players think they are good at dota because they get 6 slotted 30 mins in


                                                                                          there's no secret trick to gaining mmr, either do the work or stay 1k mmr forever for all i care.


                                                                                            The path is clear - Antimage


                                                                                              700 gpm is either proper heroes, or total domination in game, when jungle was better in earlier version, i could have hit even 800 gpm with jungling heroes, and now with heroes like URSA in lane i usually end up with like 550 gpm, but still games are very ez, total domination, so dont see a problem.
                                                                                              If you just want that gpm thing, take TA, SVEN, Antimage, nature prophet, with them its very easy to hit that amount, flash farm lanes, flash farm forest, repeat.

                                                                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                                                                lol you should get 800 gpm on flash farm heroes


                                                                                                  Then IG.BurNing AM 1xxx GPM must be an alien to you


                                                                                                    that feel when you can't get 700 gpm in goddamn 1k while there's players getting 1k gpm in 7k


                                                                                                      But nobody got 7k gpm in 1k 🤔


                                                                                                        hey cookie what is best progression for the 800 lh challenge? got 750 with am and cant seem to get more than 650 now. Im doing 100 cs in 10 with teads into 12 min bf, rotation mid, then vlads and tp/clarity/ancient w/rune farming routes. Next im doing manta and using it every time is off cd, though of rushing butterfly and split them as they can cut 2 lanes but maybe travels+octa is better but im getting 90 cs x min with treads/vlad/bf/manta/butter/octa for the pattern but by the time i get those it may be too late, help!

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