General Discussion

General DiscussionResearching on new methods of winning

Researching on new methods of winning in General Discussion

    So I discovered that broodmother can stay later on the game but can be shut down by disables and burst damage which is most likely to happen but can man fight a fully farmed core


      amazing, you should write a paper and publish your findings at the end. Just be ready to defend your thesis from CUCKIE et al.


        I was playing Dire once. My team and I won a teamfight, killing 3 opponents without losing a single one of us.
        We proceeded to push high ground with Jugg healing ward against the last 2 survivors.
        Out of no-where, the Radiant's Magnus pops in, lands a 5 man RP, and an empowered Broodmother (not even super farmed, might I add), gets a rampage.

        Yes. Broodmama can win - but I think it takes a lot of practice with the hero.




            The problem is there's too many heroes that can shut down broodmama the basic thing is go offlane and solo it, with your team tri laning at bot so they'd put a pressure while you're pressuring your lane the point is pushing all towers till t2 at least 20-25 minutes or if you failed and can't push any further use enemy jungle to farm your core items and rekt people who comes in the jungle


              so nothing new?


                then pick brood first pick new method of winning


                  sorry cookie I'm not a blue star so this is something new to me