General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes playing with better players will make you better?

Does playing with better players will make you better? in General Discussion

    I calibrated my account about 4 years ago, which I ended up with 2.5k solo and 3k party. I reached 4k once and stuck again in 3.5k to 3.9k.

    I created another account and spam axe, which I calibrated it at 3.9k solo and party.

    Furthermore, I created another account and calibrated it at 4.5k solo. I can seem quite well to play any role in this bracket but when I play with my main account, it's just ineffective. I believe that playing with better players than you can help you become better.

    I have a friend that is sitting at 4.7k solo which he has friends that is 5k and 6k+ where he play ranked at 5.5k average, he said to me that the gameplay is faster there and you can adapt to there gameplay,

    Unfortunately for me, my friends are 2k or 1k players so I literally play at 2k average games.

    I can say that I am an effective player in 2k bracket since I once smurfed account owned by my friend to 3k by spamming spectre.

    Today, I am using my smurf account that is 4.5k solo and I managed to reach 4.8k solo with it, not being a cancer and pick what the team needs. I really could say that players in this bracket is different from my main account. I am thinking that maybe I can adapt the playstyle here and bring my main account to 4k again.

    Does playing with better players will make you better?


      yes, unless you're abusing low average mmr and stomp through your games

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        yes. i always play with 10k players then wreak havoc in 100mmr average games.


          Not sure if it will make you better but I'm pretty sure that you will feel the difference in skill and then you will realize that you are dogshit.

          Story Time

            depends on what u do in 2k average games.. if u play there like it is average 4k, and expect everyone to do their job or at least to participate in maximum number f team fights, you will fail, but if u expect nothing from your team and going to solo carry them, then u have a chance of not being disappointed

            chicken spook,,,,

              For example, I just shitstomp people in 3k by playing agressively on pos 1 because I know I have people who buy force staffs, solar, glimmer, etc
              In 2k? Rofl afk farm because fuck these retards anyway aghanim rush supports who just watch your ass burn 1v5 when it was obvious we could've easily won that fight

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              chicken spook,,,,

                Getting your ass carried by playing cooperatively won't exactly make you a better player (shoutout to those 1k support retards who party with 3k which I kept getting everytime I 3stack) but if you see people's gameplay objectively and can learn by seeing and feeling the difference in higher mmr bracket, you can spot out which aspect do you lack and you can polish your gameplay from that


                  yes but not in party games


                    party hat is everwhere


                      if they tell you what you do wrong while playing yes, if they just casually olay with you probably not.

                      basically there needs to be some kind of interaction. you could watch the replays with said friends. ask them ingame about your itembuild and also ask them why to buy what etc

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                        I've learned a great deal playing as a support with my higher skilled team. Plot-twist, they were understanding when I made mistakes and helpful on how I should improve myself. Find others that are that. Toxic high skilled players will not be a help.

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                            yeah arteezy taught me to "never pick am again"


                              Resolution taught me to "die in fucking hell"


                                i played with one of renshits 5k friends once, he carried the shit out of me, I felt completely out of my territory
                                of course I was playing roaming leshrac and missed all my split earths, sooooo

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                                      sometimes theyre nice, sometimes not. Its like that with a lot of players and pros tho


                                        Tge highest I've played with is 5.2k didn't have anything to learn since a decent support player can at least support 1k mmr higher than them (p.s I wanna support someone who doubled my mmr so I can taste higher bracket plays)

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          Yes and no.

                                          Yes in the regard to working with your team as a team.

                                          No because you are potentially stomping idiots/tilted people.

                                          It's good to face against better players since it can spark your passion and you can motivate yourself to do better.

                                          casual gamer

                                            if you are oging to learn you are going to learn

                                            if you are not going to learn you are not going to learn

                                            external factors can only influence how much you improve if you are actually paying attention


                                              Depends on yourself actually.
                                              But having a friend that is better than you in DoTA does help a lot.


                                                It depends actually. Me, I'm a weird one. I play better on 4.5k than I do in my own bracket 3.5-3.7k. But I guess it's because I only use my best heroes when I play with 4.5k and I have this motivation to not embarrass myself.

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