General Discussion

General DiscussionHow viable is Bane middle?

How viable is Bane middle? in General Discussion
basement :)

    Bane was unviable middle before because he had little to build. Now, he has the option of buying AGHS, which grants 1.5 cooldown Brain Saps. In regards to laning phase, Bane by far has the best bullying. He also got recent base attack buffs leaving him at 59‒65 base attack.

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    Riguma Borusu

      Well, 1.5 CD brain saps sound OP on paper until you realize you need not only to buy a 4200 gold item for it, have mana to spam it, but also to survive a fight where you are going to spam it, meaning you have to build survivability, so your build has to be akin to a carry but you are not a carry.

      Bane is relatively tanky as is, but he's so hopelessly single target focused without anything to compensate for it.

      Like, imagine you have bane mid and the enemy team has a storm mid. You buy your aghs, he buys his orchid. Who accomplishes more with about 4k of net worth sunk into one item? Now, granted, Storm will likely want to get BS first, but he has an item that enables him to have 100% uptime. Does Bane also build BS to spam Brain Sap?

      So imagine you build blood stone into aghs, while the enemy team has Storm with blood stone into orchid, again ask yourself, which hero is more useful in general, with that level of farm?


        As above, the meta still favours heavy dps and right click heroes. Bane will start to fall off midgame until he gets his 25.

        But on another note, dual mid with bane babysitting is a pretty neat idea.


          I think the main problem with mid core bane now is that his +brain sap dmg/heal talent comes too late, otherwise you're a pretty decent damage dealer, if and only if, you have a lineup that builds around you, which would mainly consist of frontlines that also have some damage. With lvl 1 enfeeble or brain sap you always win your mid lane in the early levels, and you have both aether lens and cast range talent to allow you to brain sap people from ~1000 range away. But I agree as a core bane you make less impact, super weak to control, and too single-target focused.

          Dire Wolf

            if going mid bane it would be to get quick 6 and gank side lines imo and zone out opposing mid with enfeeble. It's like a sky mid.


              Force a passive game, bane does nothing after mid game. Ez win


                We dota 1 now ?


                  bane mid is for dominating the early game, maxing enfeeble will leave the opponent with 0 damage in lane.
                  after that bane is useless.